Comments by ianwmccarthy
Rob is right,
not here but on the webpage, clicking on the "Download" button below Arm for example takes us to Auto Looper instead.
Hi Tilman,

Am I right in saying multiple instances can be loaded onto single tracks?
A beautiful sounding organ :)
Am I right in saying the draw bars cannot be assigned to an LFO? (The number boxes above them can, but this doesn't affect the draw bar position). If it's even possible, that would be a marvelous addition.
Am I right in saying the sequence length can't be changed here? This device would be infinitely (almost literally!) more useful if it could, but it's already very fun to play with. Thank you!
Brilliant, all fixed. Thanks for updating that so quickly! Cheers.
An absolute gem of a device, only issue I'm having is that the DW control is invisible for me (Live 11.1). It works, but I can't see the value when I turn it (there is just a blank space where the "knob" should be). Lovely work!
Enough with the flashing images,so annoying!
Very interested in gearing what this device can do, but currently no output here either, Ableton 11.1 on Catalina. =)
That flashing image is extremely irritating!
FYI that URL isn't working, but the device is there on