Comments by aoxomoxoa23

I think ... supposed to be commercial devices and the download is a mistake - anyway they do not work when downloaded from here :)
licence none is non true - it is sold so it is a commercial device
it is not working.. no sound at all.. Live 12 Win 10
please add to bundle. :)
other comment: that*s one thing yes
also: consider making a bundled option!

30-35 is what I would consider fair given that there are no demos.
40-45 IF you would add demos to your works.

thank you
Thanks for including the through switches - as well as making a Midi version was a great idea!
same as FreddyFingaz :)
these are great! thank you!
a bit like slope detector in eurorack :)
k-teck = for me the best generative sequencers in the world!

this one is no exception ;)
great idea. thanks for making this.

one idea:
how about a through switch on each subsequent MAP input so you can optionally pass the modulation from one target to the next without mapping each one by one..
this is VERY good!!!
bascially, when you leave the Rise and Fall knobs at 0, you have a converter for older modulation devices to Live 12's mod feature!!!
thank you!
license none is not true - but nice price
potential buyers mostly like to see the device/rack in form of videos or pictures rather than just showing your (I must admit) cool looking graphics.
Thank you for your kind reply markus ;-)

I would be happy if you could add improvements when you got the time and passion.

Since the parameter locking really is not great on the Alphabase itself (Mr. Jomox announced improvements for the next version..), I thought it was nice having these controllers and mapping things like step modulatiors on them as a kind of workaround!

Two issues to point out which I missed in the description.
1. Sometimes my AB would freeze upon reloading a set with these devices added. Not sure if it is the devices or the quirky nature of AB itself when receiving MIDI CC information...
2. I could not implement the Scene function of the MBrane channel, because it has been added later and there have been no infos about its CC in the manual I had at hand.

Thanks again and all the best!

hi markusschloesser!
if you mean by bi directional that changes made on the hardware also reflect on the device, sadly I have to answer no.

I am by no means an advanced programmer and I made this with help from previously shared Jomox 888 and 999 controllers as guideline - just took the manual of the AB and changed the corresponding controller numbers.

If anybody more experienced is willing to take on this project, I would be most happy.

Hope it is still helpful to some...

very generous! great work
looks useful, but please change your license to commercial!
that is too bad, shinytheshiny - one more reason to NEVER ever support this salty dev...
given its feature set A BIT overpriced...(like all Babuma - honest opinion..)
badly needs an option to reset sequences for more control over the modulation..
@Acoustitron: where can i download it for 1? it shows 10
more m4l devices from you please :)
great generative sequencer!
this sounds interesting from description and looks amazing. can not wait to try!
awesome! but not the most stable when automating the *create riff* and *beastliness* controls
Thanks for the update! MIDI in now works with the VSTs I tested! Great!
Two minor things, I would welcome:
1. The VST does not keep its preset when re-opening a project. (not sure if Instacomposer does, but VM does not)
2. ability that the windows stays open even when clicking somewhere else in the Live window.

But these are really minor things. Happy that the MIDI in works now.!
What I meant: yesterday when I tested .. :)
seems like you added changes already!
@soaria! I just tested with Reason Rack Plugin and it is the same.
IF you could implement it, that would make it the most handy tool for these application! ThX!
Thank you! This works pretty well.
The VST inside the device does however not accept MIDI in messages.
Do you think, this would be possible?
I tried only with Cherry Audio Voltage Modular so far.
plus there is a glitch when using Live's zoom feature
one of a kind device. love the experimental appraoch. a bit intimidating at first, but with the documentation so well written it is a fun to explore step by step. if I wished for one thing, then it was a bigger floating window style GUI. ;)
I agree.encoder was one of those m4L s I immediately resonated with.
west coast influenced and beyond! ;)
brilliant fun little noise maker! thank you :)
the return of the revenge of the strobelight flashing all categories corrupting deaf to any critique super flashlight..
briilliant AA+ device!!!
The idea is brilliant. Unfortunately also here Live 11.2.5 and Win10 very unreliable and prone to crashes. Dev did not respond since almost one year to a problem I had with with another device. Glad I could fix myself (the other device - Survey.. not this)
touch me endless! does that sound a bit dirty?... :;)
VariSpeed must be the revolutionary device of 2022!
thank you for this one too!
oh, I see it already has the second request I made .. chance per step! sorry ;)
very sweet! what would be an awesome feature: ability to transpose the root by incoming midi note on master.. as well on the send devices: a % chance for each of the triggers. but it looks and sounds like a lot of fun already.
i agree. :)
i really love the m4L library, but when it comes to bad boys I do not know who is worse. this one or the japanese one who constantly uploads stobe-light images and puts his devices in *all* categories. ^^
thank you for the freebie! I already bought some of your other devices. Your GUIs always are beautiful ;)
thank you for this! i am having fun exploring it!

do you think it would anyhow be possible to have randomize button map-able? that could be hell of fun ^^

has become my favorite modulator by lenghts! great great work and such a lovely price. plase keep on making m4L like this!
interesting take on conditions sequencing. if I were to make suggestions:
1) a randomizer for sequencer elements
2) a kind of limiter option, because the filters, oscillator and saturation create peaks very easy.
super thankful for device squad!

i recognize a small problem with MFA MIDI Keytracker.

upon reloading a saved set the device resets its destination amounts to o% each.

a brilliant device just got even more fabulous!
I was about to say the same. I guess in these dazzling times many of us are in this boat where we have to think twice for every dollar/euro/etc spent, even though it is ridiculous. 5 vs 10..
Michael, THIS indeed does sound sweet! Would you mind adding PayPal as option to your gumroad?

a small jam / video demo of what this little buddy is capable of.

Loving this one, as well as your stocchastic filter device!

Hope you don*t stop developing such cool things.

I think we need even more devices for drone noise expreimental in M4L.
oh! this looks just like the playground I was wishing for... :)))
my goodness. yes, truly...
i am sorry for the confusion ;)
brilliant idea! will try this :)
any chance for paypal on your page?
yeah, excited to test this. thanks for the share!
very much enjoyed. sounding great, but same as with the other device, the knobs allow not to modulate.
hi, thanks for updating to Windows... unfortunately not able to automate / modulate any of the controls.
enjoying it so far! sadly, as soon as I start modulating controls it crashes the set within minutes or so.
a few typos on GUI^^
it it based on Grids? is it MAC only or WIN tooo?
I think, I fixed the problem myself by checking/unchecking a few boxes in the MAX editor of the corresponding elements (stages and channels...) LOL. Not sure exactly how but now it stays as it should...

Good device!

Might still be worth looking into, if you get back someday, others may run into same problem.
Neon Breath. You should do yourself a favor and get sonusdept*s ERIS suite. If you like this device you will love them too...
hi. this device causes a strange problem for me under Live 11.

each time a set is closed and then re-opened, Survey resets to its inital values of 6 Channels and 4 Stages, thus removing all my previously mapped information for channels 7+ ...

please, pATCHEs - if you are here - check if you can fix this problem for this otherwise supercool tool!

I would indeed get those, if you could add PayPal as a payment option... :)
some kind of modificators (mod-able) like rotate and scramble notes ... that + internal scale would really make the device shine. just an idea. cause the initial idea is nice and appealing!
nobody is listening here it seems. well, will go with Smart XL then. not as colorful but at least they respond ^^
lots of fun! thanks for making these :)
Hi, any way you could add PayPal to your shop for those of us who have no credit card option? cheers!
Thanxxxx for that, xxxx74! :)))
maybe you can add PayPal on your gumroad directly? I tried to donate with the link above for 3 devices but PayPal does not let me continue.