Comments by an21

I dont know why, snakes images desappeared... I changed it with numbers... :'(
Thx!! Really usefull
bug fixed
The axmd file seems ok for me. Let me know if the file is a 0 data file again.

Ok that's done. Thx to notice. When I upload a new device, I have a jpg problem that blocks the .amxd upload.

Cheers !
Hi, I dont know the MPC 16 level pitch, I never had a mpc.

There is no youtube video for that. It takes more time to explain with a tuto video than coding a device...

Perhaps one day, I will do that for all of my devices.

16 pitch change is quite simple to use.

All the notes of the track are visible monitoringthe IN box (white) and OUT box (green)

There are 16 lines. Each line has a left and right box with a circle buton in the middle.

The notes arrive by the left box and exit with the pitch change by the right box.

You need to choose the note you want to change on the left box (target) per exmple 36.

When reach, the buton should blink. The note enter on the good pitch.

Choose the pitch change you want on the left box per exmple 40. The note pitch is modified and you can see this change in the OUT box (green)

When you play your note 36. IN white box says 36 and OUT green box says 40.

Your note 36 has been change to 40. On a drum rack, it appears like PAD1 become PAD5.

I will do a version with the add of a note pitch in letter for IN and OUT box.

Hope is ok for you now. Explain me you want with you MPC 16 level pitch. I could make a device for this.

The black circle buttons on the right part of the device, in the map area delete and reset the mapping you made
I made an update of this device, it is more handy to use.
Thx for your comment. It should be OK right now... Sorry.

I had problems with the screnshot format, so it disabled my amxd file...

I gonna check all my devices.
Salut Romain,

Merci pour ton tutoriel max for live sur youtube. J'ai fait une version note et sustain sur tout le gamepad. Finies le comportement des notes bizarres des axes XY !!

Ça marche aussi avec les gamepads snes usb.

J'ai fabriqué d'autres petits utilitaires compacts et bien pratiques que tu trouveras dans mes devices.


Salut Francois,

Je me suis inspiré de ton midi bang v1.2 pour en faire une version 16 trigger.
Merci pour ton inspiration :)

Map the button to a controller
Set the Velocity "velo" between 0-128. Choosing 100 is fine.
Set the pitch you want and the notes you want will be played !