Comments by Jimtikmars

can you add key change too? and perhaps a way to change warp mode that way we dont have to waste time changing clip views.
my only issue with this device is that it changes the stereo feel of the sample. how about gettin rid of the stereo/mono mode and just let the user decide to do that with the utility plugin? that way youre not gonna have this issue-i think.
ok so, it took a while to crash ableton, id say like 7 mins, but it also took like 30 sec for the device to load once i dropped it in
i see you updated it again, will report if i still find bugs
although at least im able to play a lil bit with it before it crashes
still experiencing the same crashes. live(10.1.7)win10
btw, im using live 10.0.7 and windows 10
when i drag and drop the device into ableton it kinda freezer a bit and then crashes. it gives no time to actually test the device