Device Details


Name | Version: Achord 1.2
Author: marangamax
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: This one goes out to all the non-perfect pitch musicians out there.

Achord is a Max for Live application which is able to detect tonal information live, directly from an incoming audio signal. Surprisingly, although the supporting research is nearly 20 years old, this sort of application is not currently offered by anyone else within the Max for Live community.

This form of spectral processing is primarily made possible by going beyond the built-in Max objects and instead using the new Node for Max API to do all the hard work.

The patch should be active when you've dropped it in the device area - this is indicated by the red light. Stop and restart are self-explanatory.

There are three chord modes you can choose from:

- "majmin" detects only major and minor chords
- "majmin7" which in addition to major and minor, detects major7 and minor7 chords
- "all" detects major, minor, major7, minor7, dominant, augment, and major minor chords

If you want to leave (anonymous) feedback, please do so here

Please be aware that the app is still in beta so may be prone to crashing, so please let me know if this continues to happen so I can continue to improve stability. Please report any specific issues or submit feature requests via the GitHub link provided. Also check it out or hit me up if you want to learn more about spectral processing using Node for Max.

1.1 - Improved stability
1.2 - Fixed some bugs


Live Version Used: 10.1.9
Max Version Used: 8.1.2
Date Added: Mar 18 2020 06:23:20
Date Last Updated: Apr 20 2020 23:19:23
Downloads: 1170
License: AttributionShareAlike
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Device File: achord.amxd


Hi there! Thnx for sharing. Unfortunately, it crashes a basic template of 10.0.4 live on win 7. Have a nice day!
Hi Kuzma, does it crash immediately or after using it a bit?
when i drag and drop the device into ableton it kinda freezer a bit and then crashes. it gives no time to actually test the device
btw, im using live 10.0.7 and windows 10
Same issue here. Loading the device crashes Live. I'm on OSX, L10.1b13
Yes, it crashes live immediately after drag & drops the device. Can't wait to test! Good luck with fixing!
Hey all, thanks for feedback. Stay tuned as I'll try to get a fix out asap!
still experiencing the same crashes. live(10.1.7)win10
although at least im able to play a lil bit with it before it crashes
Found a bug and updated again. Thanks for your patience all.
i see you updated it again, will report if i still find bugs
ok so, it took a while to crash ableton, id say like 7 mins, but it also took like 30 sec for the device to load once i dropped it in
thanks for the continued feedback Jimtik, I'm seeing similar issues but have gone through the code over and over and nothing pops out. I suggest just stopping it if your not using it (which I know is not ideal). If I find the issue I'll make sure to release a new version.

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