Comments by spiralune

New V7
repair bug muted note on reload project
Add new scale
hi, Walmik

can news help understand JScript from MAX

how to replace "R" with octave tonic or a with one or more spécific note at the place of all scale note with your patch

like this tuto

const clip = scribble.clip({
notes: 'D2',
randomNotes: 'D3',
pattern: getRandomPattern(),
subdiv: '16n',


and how generate riff along Chord progression
like this
scribble.getChordsByProgression(root + ' ' + scale, 'ii iii')

many Thanks

Random notes

Next, we’ll create a clip and set the notes to be used. We’ll also provide a set of notes for Scribbletune to choose from, for the R character. We can simply use the higher octave of our root note. So something like,

const clip = scribble.clip({
notes: 'D2',
randomNotes: 'D3',
pattern: getRandomPattern(),
subdiv: '16n',
New V6
optimisation can open More Patcher in a Project
hi walmik

i made a update of your patch

it can Open along side live

Work great on live 11 on mac and PC (( MPE )) no compatible

no time to update MPE
see here's-new-in-live-11-part-2

for update MPE LIVE

and repair bug
MAX console error on load

js: C 3 lydian,xRRRxxRR,AABC,4n,none,1,1,1 Aiicaramab
js: riff02.js: Javascript Error: c 3 lydian does not exist!, line 1
js: error calling function riff [riff02.js]

message for first downloder V3

bug when reopen project repair on this V4
i stevysound

hit's not resizable easly proportionaly

so mutch object used in this patch need to resize séparatly...

sorry so long to update have no time at the moment


i am no time to update for live 10 and 11

coming soon sorry

hi cool device

Thanks from Spiralune
I Kapp

news version here with 64 preset from original user AdamChaseSound

hi Mearthe

ok i don't have live 11

I will try to solve this problem

hi, good idea

see here to save patch with live set

and also can duplicate patch i live set without loose preseter
Good job thanks

an Idea to recall chain selector from clip

2 assignable up down Button preset chain selector
( preset up down .. loop end auto return to first)
1 assignable chain selector NumBox to rotary CC

chain can recall with a same number at the rigth off the CLIP Name ((bass funky 18 = recall chain 18)

up down directely recall adjacent preset just recalled
I Kapp

iam just modified this patch to recall preset 1 when change Scène

try contact ChipPanFireDotCom


WeirdNoise as implement auto refresh

but are less possibility

thank you for this info
i Pierrot

thanks good idea

i see and coming soon update

effectivly my patch need manualy clic refresh when number of chain as change

wahou !! Thanks

very useful
news link with two patcher in Zip

here *
another version with midi if put Sample Break in Drum Rack

and work in session and arragement

Because use Midi Note
héé i am use it in Live only in session but

I have the same need as you

in the arrangement view to compose a track

I'm doing another version where FX loop samples are in a drum rack (with choke ) one sample at a time with simpler as gate trigger

and I use the midi notes to mutate a track

and can use it and record in arrangement view

coming soon 10 minutes
thanks to you for the beta testing hihi

now we are sure it works on mac and windows

i snubdogg

i am revised new V-4

keep me informed if ok for you

thank you to find this bug héhé

link here

iam try to find a friend on mac

to test what can i do
hi snubdogg

can you tell me which version of live and MAX you have

tested on live 10.05 and max 8.0.3 (( 8.1 work also)

and what system windows or mac

because being on windows I never test on mac

I am waiting for your info to try help you
i , cool

iam revisited from this

Many-Sample 1.2

from Author: opticon93

you can share a new revisited version

it's cool

I will look at what you did


hi, pwrbeats

Only Work in Live 10 & max 8

and iam on windows

i don't try on osx

can you tell me your version Live & max & system

I will look at what I can do
cool it sounds good

you did well the filter section.

could you make an audio version of the filter section

it will be nice to test on other types of sound

thanks good job aciddddddd
i have put in description

(( 67 download in 3 day = zero thanks

comming soon all patch as commercial only ,, pay !! shame ))

cool thank you "" jiangxitong""

that motivates !!

I erase the text in the description

thanks to you

everything will stay free

thanks you for all the others
i felice

arrangement record overwrites the track's clip content ?

in aarengement view if + button ,, overdub midi is active

you can retake automation of plugin without erase content

if you new user

download M4L Building Tools

and see Max patch in folder = API

and in folder =Lesson Devices = API Navigation Tools

you find all you need to start with max


and if you need understand how store preset of you patch with live set

have made this exemple patch

and here another for how to use

two pattstorage object in same patch with Preset object

((normaly only one pattstorage per patch can work ))
and if you need understand how store preset of you patch with live set

have made this exemple patch

and here another for how to use

two pattstorage object in same patch with Preset object

((normaly only one pattstorage per patch can work ))
if you new user

download M4L Building Tools

and see Max patch in folder = API

and in folder =Lesson Devices = API Navigation Tools

you find all you need to start with max
i icoste

see here i am add your need

you can see how made live recall parameter with object Pattr

and scale object 0 127 0. 1. for volume pan ect..

I am mikado spiralune

I updated your patch


which is really great, for short samples

I want to make another version to trigger and walk in long or track samples

but there is a problem

the sound of walking just once
after moving the start and length button

and no sound until we rebouge the start and lenght button

would you have an idea? from where it will be necessary that I look to solve this problem with the samples long or full track

thank you in advance for any advice

greeting from France

i am start from your Patch


NEW Many-Sample 2.1 Mikado

-- add Button to Open Folder

(( drag&drop , won't work with Ableton Live as Administrator ,""if use jbridge"" ))

-- add push INC DEC samples

store and recall all function so put many of this patch in drum rack
NEW V2.1 Mikado

-- add Button to Open Folder

(( drag&drop , won't work with Ableton Live as Administrator ,""if use jbridge"" ))

-- add push INC DEC samples

store and recall all function so put many of this patch in drum rack
you can also copie drum rack with many instances of the patch

to another track without loose sample selection
hi , opticon93

i am update your patch Many-Sample 1.2 to V2 mikado

Store and Recall all parameter ,, samples select

so if you put many of this patch in drum rack
you can also copie drum rack with many instances of the patch

to another track without loose sample selection
hi , opticon93

i am update your patch 1.2 to V2 mikado

rStore and Recall all parameter ,, samples select

so if you put many of this patch in drum rack
For ALL You're dreaming an update

His here

huuuu just upload take me informed

héhé sorry

I am update de description and jpeg

i hope that you help

i am need to more explicite in description

have add ability to save CPU desactivacte off Other Chain

recall chain via Number at the rigth off Clip Name

ect... try this instrument version first concept his more evident

and iam french with very bad english sorry
check this first

yes have made this patch for pseudo Program Change

and recall easy a specifique instrument one chain at a time

and this version is for pseudo program change chain FX rack

and need diagonal chain selector assigned
hi Barnes

Thank to your interest

check this news version


remenber Chain selector value can olso recall
instead of Rigth Clip Name Number



i don't have PUSH 2

Try this new version

if that work

Keep me informed

je ne suis pas un grand spécialiste de max
meme si j'arrive toujours a m'en sortir ..

tu peut me joindre voir si je peut vraiment t'aider

tu peut allez voir ici j'ai revu ce patch pour un ami

a utiliser en conjonction avec celui ci

good vibbeeeee
I , thank to interest

see picture

PUSH need assign as FIRST line midi surface controller

and you see 8 x 8 Red rectangle

and PATCH Max put on First track

its work on audio and midi track
i am made a variante for live

for trig preset 1

when another scene is select
iam made this patch with part of your patch

good vibbbbb
Update For You : Marfield

first instance:

Second Instance:

Good vibbbb
Update For You : Marfield
Install JAVA JRE x86 for live and max 32 bit
or JAVA JRE x64 for live and max 64 bit and reboot PC

INFO if not work= download = autobot.mxj ... ((normaly it's freeze with patch))

copie to C:\Program Files\Cycling '74\Max 6.1\Cycling '74
or C:\Program Files(x86)\Cycling '74\Max 6.1\Cycling '74
i made this patch for windows ..

you can midi assign CTRL + S "save "

and more

Thank for your jobb

Good vibeeeee
For danpow

Voilou 3.2 reset scene assignable

cool et joeux noël
Hii offthesky

I am update device Hope Help you
hi, offthesky

Install JAVA JRE x86 for live and max 32 bit
or JAVA JRE x64 for live and max 64 bit and reboot PC

INFO if not work= download = autobot.mxj ... ((normaly it's freeze with patch))

copie to C:\Program Files\Cycling '74\Max 6.1\Cycling '74
or C:\Program Files(x86)\Cycling '74\Max 6.1\Cycling '74

Merci à TVC23 ...
Salut je vient de poster un patch avec ton patch dedans comme exemple ....

C'est un exemple pour Sauvegarder les reglages d'un patch ""Preset"" avec Live et effec groupe ect....

né d'experimantation pour ce passer des .json externe
et Donc grace à toi les presets Rappel aussi des automation((itable))


help please

js: error calling function UpdateCode
js: glasgow.js: Javascript ReferenceError: _ is not defined, line 316

// hack to support underscore in max/msp and node.js :(
__ = _

Thank, how install it please
cool job..

Don't remenber clip position when Right LEft ..

But to Live performance can't see screnn monitor ..

Can you make an equivalent patch for individual track audio and midi .

So cool to have NEXT PREVIEW clip ((FIRE, ARM and why not erase new record) on all track individually ind?pendently to scene position..

it's better in Live performance have just 2 Buttom per track to navigate clip and sample To be sure not to get lost

Good vibe