Comments by soaria

That "?" near the beginning was suppose to be a cat cry-laugh emoji. Oh well. Laugh and cry, that's a good way to represent it. :D
I spent a bunch of time looking at the various issues today, and first of all, Max makes me just want to scream and tear my hair out. 😹 It has this really bad habit of having tons and tons of documentation, but the thing I actually need is either buried in some Reddit post or is impossible to search for because of too-basic terms like "Max". (Did you know 3DSMax has scripting? I do now...)

Also it kinda wants to be a programming environment but is really awful at it?

Okay, that complaining aside, it appears that whether a VST's internal state will be saved is a question of author. I tested a bunch, and here is what I found:

- Does work: IC, IC2, Kontakt 7, Pigments
- Doesn't work: VM, Captain Epic plugins

Those last two are truly regrettable, because you do a lot of creative work inside the VST itself. :( Pigments had the full preset I'd loaded still, and Kontakt went as far as having the sample libraries still loaded.

I tried saving the parameters instead of snapshots of the internals, but a lot of plugins simply don't expose parameters, or very few. ICx for example, exposes one parameter called ParamChange. :eyeroll:

So, as much as I'd love to fix that stuff up... I don't see a good way. Put together with the keyboard stealing, window size issues, etc, it seems Max really doesn't have very good VST hosting support, either. I really wish I could just talk to the VST hosted inside Live itself, but the Live API doesn't seem to handle stuff like MIDI data. If anyone has ideas, feel free to comment!
@antifrost - ahhh okay, yeah, that makes sense. Probably something I can't fix unfortunately, as what's happening is that M4L itself is hosting the VST, and so it has its own keyboard handling, window handling, etc. I wonder if some tweaks could be made to work around it though, like listening to space bar and sending the transport commands.

I do appreciate the offer :) but I'm less money constrained than time constrained these days. I'll definitely get back to it sooner or later, since I'm planning to do more Live in the near future, and this lack of channel support is still a ridiculous thing in the DAW. I don't get it... *shrug* I'd pay Ableton to add some MIDI channel support :P
I love that this thing I made on a whim is helping many, and sad that it's got some issues for some. Live isn't my primary DAW these days though, I'm waiting for 12 beta or release to start working on these again, probably.

Also, stuff like the window clipping and resizing is probably a Live/Max thing I can't fix in the device. :| But who knows, maybe Max is hiding some kind of cached sizes or positions in its depths.

I didn't see the start/stop issue in IC2, myself, but that sounds like it might be fixable.

If anyone wants to fix any of the problems before I get to it again, I'm happy to take a look and update this device entry, though.
@aoxomoxoa23 That's a great idea, shouldn't be too hard to implement.
The new one is out:

It's now called Multi-MIDI Wrapper.
Hi everyone, for some reason it hasn't been notifying me about comments. Anyway, I'm going to release a 16 channel version, soon, that will also be able to save presets like a normal M4L device. I'm also hoping to put up a little tutorial on how to use it.