Comments by skinnerbox

thank you all for the loving comments! please note that this is a legacy device from 2013 which we are not intended to work on, we did however released "Time Sting!" which has a lot more functionality including offsetting patterns, creating midi clips and what not:
@quick - ok i just uploaded a new version which lets you adjust the latency on the device itself,

@quick, yes, that is probably the reason, what you can do is edit the device, the "delay 5" object that sits before the note trigger is the one you need, go up with the number until it will play right (10ms should be fine, beware that its tricky, you need to test it in none edit mode as edit mode adds latency so you cant rely on that). after that you can compensate the latency with negative delay on the track (same amount of course).
@proflogok, new version uploaded, fixed this issue :)

@proflogok, i think i figured it out, what you probably do is drag the sample to the device bar of simpler which causes the whole device to be replaced, which in turn makes the id settings to be invalid, ill fix that, but for now what you should do is drag the sample to where the waveform is displayed, ie make sure that you just change the sample and not the whole device, this will work,

@proflogik, if you set slice nr to 4 for example and sequence notes
c-2 c#-2 d-2 d#-2, what happens? which system/max/live version are you on? do you read your files from a normal harddrive or ssd?
@proflogik, does it behave like this only when using push or also when sequencing with a normal midi clip?
@proflogik, does it behave like this only when using push or also when sequencing with a normal midi clip?
@crampe, uploaded 1.02, issue is fixed for real now ;)
noted, thanks for the useful advise!
cool, but pattern recorders wont work...
heres a demo video of the mono version, its basically the same...