Comments by omereilam

I'm trying to use VIZZABLE 2.1 but with no success.
When I drag videos into the clip slots of a track with the clipPlayr I can hear the audio but cannot see any video - the preview screen stays black.
I tried to update quicktime and used a lot of different .mov videos encoded by a variety of codecs including photoJPEG which supposedly should work.
I also saw another post that claims it's only possible to drag clips from the Live Browser, but that too doesn't work for me.
When played in the arrangement view all the videos work just fine.
I'm using the latest version of Ableton Live 9.

Any ideas on what else I can do?
I tried installing but can't seem to get it to work.
1. I d/l sigmund~ and put it in the Max patches lib which is part of the search dir.
2. I put the input on an audio channel and set it to mono.
3. I put the output on a midi channel
4. I toggled the "Touch to control in ableton" switch.

Nothing seems to happen...I don't even see the audio signal reaching to the Audio input device.

help? :)