Comments by maxbowie

This would be useful if it automatically followed live 12's new global scale setting
This would sell like hotcakes now if you made it automatically follow ableton 12's new global scale setting. Ableton's scale plugin can now follow the new global scale setting in ableton 12, but it duplicates notes to the scale instead of folding to the white keys.


It would be amazing to make this automatically follow ableton 12's global scale setting
Thank you for this, Dennis! Woohoo! This is briiliant. I wish I found it about 2 years ago :)
To be more specific, when I recall an .adg file with Touche Mapping Utility, the mappings still appear in Touche Mapping Utility, but they don't work.
Hi there, your devices loses all of it's mappings when i recall my live set, or if I save Touche Mapping Utility within an .adg file. It's a great device, but this makes it pretty tough! Could you update, perhaps?

Thanks for the great work!
Have tyou thought about using a percentage of the incoming velocity value rather than a fixed amount? While this is a bit more musical than the 'drive' in ableton's velocity effect, the problem with the fixed amount approach, is that the greater the difference between velocities of difference incoming notes, the more inaccurate the output. so if yoou have 2 original notes: one at 20 and the next at 80, and you increase the velocity of both by a set value of 20, then one note is 100 percent louder, while the next is only 25 percent louder. If you go by a 20 percent increase instead, then the increase in volume would be more like a pianist actually plays: Each note would get 20 percent louder than it's original amount.
PLEASE JULIEN CAN YOU FIX THIS FOR LIVE 11.2.7? IT IS NOW BROKEN AND ALL OF MY .adg Files I created using your expression control device in Live 11.1.6 have LOST THEIR MAPPING ASSIGNMENTS IN Live 11.2.7

BECAME BROKEN IN LIVE 11.2.7 on Mac!!!!

Please can you help, none of the mapped assignments are saved when i save within an .adg file. when i recall the saved .adg file, all of the mapped assignments are disconnected and I have to re-do them.

PLEASE, can you fix this? I used your previous expression control to create a couple hundred .adg files with synth parameters etc mapped to expression in Livew 11.1.6, and now with 11.2.7 and now they are all lost. This is so much work, can you please fix this????
Awesome! Would love to see this eventually for up to 6 voices - would be very useful for improvising orchestration ideas!

Nice Work!
Please can you help me with this
Does not work.
Please help, I mapped the click and then assign to a midi key. When i press the midi key, the cursor moves to the proper position, but no click happens. The window is in front as directed, but no click happens.