Comments by losgallos

Hi again @Inkajoo, could you download it again and tried the "- copy" version ? I tried another method to freeze the svg into the device.
But the svg should not be the reason why the device is not working on your side so get back back to me from Gumroad if you want some further assistance (I use this device everyday, really time saver).
Also, are you sure about your midi track settings on Ableton ? Can you for instance trigger notes from your Digitakt to this ableton track ? And are your CC the default ones (70 to 77) ?
Damn no fish, I must have forgot to freezer before saving. I get back to you vert soon.
Also is the instrument rack the vert first thing on the device area ? It must be for it to work.
Hi Ruske,

It's not supposed to work with an Analog Rytm but with a Digitakt, Digitone or Syntakt midi tracks, and Overbridge has nothing to do with it because it uses standard midi.

As for the svg error message, it is only an UI error I already have adressed lately. When did you download the device ? Do you still have it when downloading it again ?

Also are you the one who paid for the device and afterwards put the lowest note possible on the gumroad product ? It's free, you could have tested it and understood it's not for the Rytm.

Thanks for the feedback !
Hi FreddyFingaz,
Hehe, you should have read the help area, because that's the point, when you are in Joystick mode, the mouse automatically return to the center of the screen. You simply have to click anywhere and you get back control of your mouse.
Hey @Messkinki,
I was just trying to find the syntax of the message to send live.path for the selected_track sends. I saw this device so it means it's possible, i won't buy your stuff only for this but if you could help me i would appreciate :p !! Thanks
@shinytheshiny, thanks for those kind words ;)
Hi aoxomoxoa23 and alectaylor75,
Thanks for your comments.
Alright then a randomizer, I will try to implement it in 1.1 + some bugfixes
Hi again, is it working now ? I have updated the Gumroad payment methods.
Hi Shroomystic,
I will search for another way, will keep you updated on the matter.
What's not good about Gumroad ?
Ok I will make a video asap
You're right, I did not touch the demo. Maybe later..
Hi there,

The device is now "push ready".

I do not have a Push, I did follow the guidelines but I was like blind so tell me if that needs improvements.

I expect some feedback if anything is wrong ✌️

Thanks for the feedback 😊. Yeah I have to work on the naming and make it cleaner for Push. I can't make any promise but I listen to all feedbacks and it's now on my to-do list 😉
A reset knob ? I am curious, tell me more I don't get it
If I remember it right, I think chance impacts both modulation and note.
Hi Beautifulgoblins123 :)
Thanks for your feedback !
I may work on some of those in the future, Microtiming being the only "hard-to-do" I think
Amazing, thank you
Thanks for your comment @telkmx
Some good ideas for a potential v1.2 :)
Hi dundunny, which part ? everything ? on which ableton version ? Thanks for the info