Comments by logritm123

Nice idea...i use something like this on a monome..i would like to see in your app a midi mlr style for your 6 loops in time with live
This is the most massive patch that i never saw.. Thanks lee for your work... I did a video using your monome emulation that comes with your interface :)
drumseq v1.3 : these things are not working for me :(
Press the up (learn) button to switch between track 1-4 and 5-8.
Press a matrix button to enable or disable the specific step on the track.
Press both the left and right button (page) to cleear the current pattern.
Use the upper 4 buttons on the right to mute the specific track.
Use the lower 4 buttons on the right to create random notes on the specific track.
DRUMSEQ V2 not works for me :(
the different between my idea and yours is that with qneo or Lp pads ... i would like to use them to create beat on fly ...with yours idea you can just recall presets :)
i think that the best can be have pads to create beats on the fly and buttons on the right to recall presets on the fly :D
i am a new in these world and i dont know anything about programming but i hope that someone can help us on maxforlive forum... i think that the best is ask to monomeemu creator to work with you ... this is what he did for launchpad user...
with these setup ...u can emulate untill 8 x monome 256 buttons
i used these with obo ( maxforlive monome drum sequencer)

look these page too :
these 8 different layout with the violet buttons on the right can be used to integrate 8 different machine running 8 different drum box putted in 8 differents ableton midi channels that can be mixed with a crossfader :D
every patches are not workin on max 6 and live 9 ... i painted my idea for you ...sorry for this bad works but i did it in 5 minutes :D [IMG][/IMG] ....
i hope that this can help to make a 64 step sequencer with 8 different sounds on 8x8 buttons machine... that can be integrate with 8 buttons on the launchpad's left to create 8 different machine :D
i think that it can be the most downloaded m4l patch...because every stepseq for launchpad now are not working... monomeemu, stepseq, drumseq and the ohters are not working yet on max 6 and live 9... :( the only step that is working is launchpad95 and its a python work :( the best for me was monomeemu with obo ( stretta monome sequencer) was a 16 steps with 8 rows ( 2 x 8x8 buttons)
hey... is possible to configure it with a launchpad sequencer using live 9 and max 6 ?
not work for me... i can go in user mode 2 and see the steps...but if i push pads nothing change :(