Comments by lazlow

Thanks for the workaround, that's a good solution, appreciate it!

One more question that just came up. When I use arrow up/down on the pitch tool of CG it used to adjust the fine tuning by default. Now I must have done something that made it switch to change the semitones per default with the arrow keys. I thought maybe it just remembers the last thing you changed (cents or semitones) but now I can't change it back, I always have to click on the fine tune box.
Could you shed some light on this?
I however don't have a Mac machine to test :D Maybe some future Ableton update will fix this accidently? Don't know what else to try
Hmm that's odd... I'm using Live Version 11.2.7 on Windows, definitely doesn't work like the Ableton slider for me.
Great plugin! I have one minor nitpick. When I click on your gain slider it instantly jumps to exactly where I clicked, which can be annoying if you want to do small adjustments. Abletons gain slider doesn't do that, it stays where it is, as long as I click somewhere within the little triangle, and only moves when I actually drag the mouse.
Could you make this work?