Comments by jonbenderr

Thank you @hangarsliquides and @FreddyFingaz! I've included devices on other albums in the past and I always wonder if people were actually listening, let alone, enjoying the music!

Very happy to hear at least a few have!
I'll have to look into it. I have it working in 10...don't know if I had to make any changed. Might be a minute before I can investigate.
Updated and saved with 7.3.3. Was working right off the get for me.

Make sure you have the "Enable" toggle turned on as well.
Hmmm...might have to update and re-save the project myself. Think I am on a slightly older version of max.

Keep an eye out on the updates section here for BetterBeatstep to pop up to the top.

In the meantime, maybe try a reboot and restart of everything?

There really shouldn't be any backwards compatibility issues, but I'll have a look and see when I'm in the studio this afternoon.
Hi again braduro.

The question was definitely not rhetorical and I appreciate the answers.

I understand completely what you want. The problem for a somewhat lazy programmer like myself is that the complexity of the device that makes it so much fun to play with is ultimately what makes it a very large task to accomplish those things.

For instance, there are over 200 parameters within this device. A lot of those parameters lay in sub patches that are within sub patches. So for me, the problem becomes sorting all of that out and figuring out the logical way to order things and then being able to test and make sure those things appear the way they should.

Another problem, especially when dealing with mass randomization like you are talking about AND maintaining ability to map things is that it will completely destroy the undo history within Live. For me personally that is a HUGE problem. Even as it is, I might be in the middle of something, have a great bass sound or whatever cooking and WHOOPS!!! deleted the track or whatever. I then sit there for an endless amount of time rapidly pressing cntrl-z in hope that I can get that track back. Even in that small amount of time this device destroys the undo history.

Like I said, I use this primarily for production work. Losing things to an endless undo history can be devastating. Better programmers have probably figured out workarounds for that.

It essentially comes down to the fact that, like I said, I'm kind of lazy. I may revisit this concept again one day. This is the second iteration of the idea. For now though, it all gives me a headache even thinking about it and it is still pretty useful. (Please don't take this as snotty.)

Sorry it took me a minute to get back to you on this. I greatly appreciate the feedback and it's very encouraging.

In regards to your concerns about live performance and control, trust me, I do understand and I think about it a lot. The problem is I don't perform live very often myself, so it's difficult to understand the most logical ways to deal with the issue, especially in a way that would satisfy people universally. Add to that the fact that I don't own either of the push devices (as much as I wish I did). I pretty much just always decide it's better to just leave it alone and allow people to make these modifications as they wish. It's actually one of the easier things to do within max.

Here's an interesting question for you though. In your own words:

"So this device definitely belongs in the studio for me, and would occupy too much of my attention on the stage."

My question is, even if I had everything perfectly mapped out for all controllers or what have you, don't you think it would still occupy to much attention?

This is another huge concern of mine because when I think about if I WERE to perform live, I would want things to be as simple as possible.

Do you have an email address? I have things to send you.
Got it! Didn't realize that turning record off deleted the rest notes.

Would you mind if I hacked this into a random clip generator of sorts and released it here on Will give credit of course.

No biggie if not. I'll just keep it to myself.
Got it! Didn't realize that turning record off deleted the rest notes.

Would you mind if I hacked this into a random clip generator of sorts and released it here on Will give credit of course.

No biggie if not. I'll just keep it to myself.
Got it! Didn't realize that turning record off deleted the rest notes.

Would you mind if I hacked this into a random clip generator of sorts and released it here on Will give credit of course.

No biggie if not. I'll just keep it to myself.
Really nice. Ableton's step records is awful and this seems perfect.

One request though, the ability to move where the note is placed would be great. That way you could allow for rests/no notes in certain points. Or maybe just a way to enter no note for the duration of the currently selected note value?