Comments by jeffcaylor

Hey Steril1234, can you email me at with any issues you're having? It's fine on Live 10 for me so I'm happy to work with you to see if we can get it sorted for you.
Hey Sorry I missed this message, Robert. It's good to go in 9.5. I haven't tested it in Live 9, though. I'm not sure of any reason it wouldn't work there but let me know if you have a problem if you do test it out.
Sorry, BlortBlort! I'd love to port this to Windows. I need to get my hands on a Win machine and figure out the Windows text-to-speech hooks.
Thanks for the feedback, Broah. The device is free at the moment, but I don't know that it always will be. As long as it remains free, users can bypass that form field on the site. Self-hosting also allows me to update users via email if I make significant updates in the future.