Comments by eyeala

@UdoRBrauna you're right about that, I apologize! I could've sworn I opened the UAD-2 version when I was setting up my new plugins.
[v1.2] is currently not working in Live 12, it can complete analyzing whatever song I drag in but all it will do is play it back in its original state. None of the Stem group's (Drum/Bass/Voc/etc.) boxes get loaded with any waveform or anything.

I thought maybe I'd try a shorter (30s) song but it still hasn't produced any results.

Is this because of the yellow message that appears in plugin window (Free Trial until 04/30/2024) which has obviously expired by now..? If so, I eagerly await version 1.3
Hey I purchased the entire UAD wrapper bundle via Gumroad a few months back. I just purchased the "Waterfall Rotary Speaker" plugin from UA and I'm noticing that the Hardware wrapper for this plugin is missing from your bundle download...

The UADx native wrapper is included but the hardware version is missing. Is this an oversight? Or were you not able to get the HW version to work?
Just wondering if this works (or can be modified to work) with the original APC 40?
Has anyone else been unable to get any usable sounds from this device? It looked super cool when I downloaded it, but I've tried using it in place of an amp simulator or just as a distortion stage. I've tried it on DI guitar audio & on Lead synths. None of these have had a good result.

Am I doing something wrong or is the device's tone supposed to be very "brittle-sounding"..?
Has anyone tried this device in Live 12 beta yet? Wondering if it is still usable, or if it will still be useful since Live 12 has all sorts of updates to the Live MIDI/Clips section.

I'm just going to admit that I have not used the Groove Pool since installing Live 12 beta.
This looks super interesting! Two questions:

1. Does Script Operations come with some useful scripts preinstalled? I looked over the Documentation, and it doesn't seem too complicated to write your own scripts, but I am a (scripting) novice so having some template examples available would make it easier to learn.

2. I use Live 11 Suite + Max 8, however I have been beta testing Live 12 (and plan on getting it when it comes out in March). So just wondering if you are aware of any issues that might occur when using Script Operations with Live 12 beta..?
@UdoRBrauna so far no big issues except for two things...

1. Hardware wrappers are opening the correct AU plugin (UAD-2), however, it is causing a spike in Ableton's CPU (%). Normally UAD-2 plugins shouldn't add to the CPU since the DSP processing is external. I double checked my UAD control panel and have confirmed that the Hardware Wrapper is opening the correct plugin, so IDK what's up with it..?

2. Both wrapper types (UAD-2 & UADx) won't let the external plug-in windows remain in view. As soon as I touch any parameter on the Wrapper UI, the (floating) Plug-In window immediately closes out. This is occurring in every single wrapper device, so I assume it is happening because of some preference within the Max Editor. Any idea..?
Will these devices work with the Live 12 update? They appear to be working with the Live 12 beta, however, I haven't updated my version of Max to go along with Live 12.
Wow this is dope!
Great concept!
Interesting… I’m gonna give it a go and see if it works with LIVE 11
Awesome! Can’t wait to see how this will develop across further updates