Comments by dorsch

sorry, max window says nothing. i can send you the live crash report, if that would help?
i´m running osx 10.9.5

i tried it with different sets.
it works with very simple sets. but there are two different behaviors, when it comes to more complex sets:

a) if the set to load contains ml4 devices
-> live crashes: "Live wurde unerwartet beendet" wich means "Live was terminated unexpected"

b) the live set contains no m4l devices
-> the m4l dialog "set loading" opens end say "set loading" but nothing happens. i can close the dialog and work along, like nothing happened.

hope that helps, because i like that little device. would be very helpful.

thanks for your work
tried it 10 times, but when i press load, live crashes every time.
live 9.1.6
max 6.1.9
great little helpers,

do you consider updating your devices to Live9 max,
because they won´t work anymore?

regards dorsch