Comments by dchild

Hey, i couldn't get this device to work. But 100+ Downloads and 1 comment suggests otherwise.

Has anyone got this working?

Do you need to freeze the device?
Really nice device, would fit perfectly in my liveset if you didn't need to click push control each time. Could this be midi mappable? I love how the skinnerbox patch 'time and timbre' works. When you select the track push is updated automatically. Could this be implemented for this device.

Great work, us push users need more stuff like this.... Thanks
GREAT Device - UI update is not working for me. I'm on a MAC. Can you explain how the Bass station router works? I've tested the OSX version. What settings in live Midi panel are required?

Nice work fella
Program change messages :)
GREAT device!!! Would be great if program messages were allowed to pass through. I'd love to use it in my live set.
GREAT device!!! Would be great if program messages were allowed to pass through. I'd love to use it in my live set.
First of all thanks sooo much for the patch. Can someone please a post a detailed explanation how to map your midi controller? Thanks
dropbox link is down :-) can you explain how to create the rack?