Comments by c2001

Hi, just to let you know this device is not on the linked page, thanks for the other three through !
"we've adopted a "Pay What You Want" pricing model."
But you have a starting price at 5$ .
And your license should say commercial.

Note that there are plenty of similar tools (not for live admittedly) that are actually free for all. Even for educators and professionals.
Ah OK ! I thought you were supposed to say commercial if the app was not free whereas "license" in fact indicates what you can do with the app once you've bought it, noted ! thanks
Thanks JonPaul ! That's brilliant because I don't use much midi anymore but when I do and need to boost velocities I couldn't understand why the drive didn't do what your device does !
I was fiddling with the so-called compression or more often just raising the values of the vertical bars in edit mode.
So thank you for this useful utility !
How can it be NonCommercial if it's 3$ minimum ?
Hi, how is it different from the "drive" parameter found on the Ableton native Velocity MIDI effect ?
Thanks so much lauz ! Will do that , cheers!
I see 119 downloads, do you guys manage to make it work ?
doesn't work on L11 either
sounds promising ! but it doesn't work on L10 W10
the left window and both bottom display windows stay white
?? You describe it as using L10 and Max8. I don't have L11
yes same problem, text not showing unlike your screencap, and mapping not working, tried on L10 and L9
oops wrong device for my comment. Should just be :
"text not showing unlike your screencap, and mapping not working, tried on L10 and L9"
yes same problem, text not showing unlike your screencap, and mapping not working, tried on L10 and L9
thanks, but I can't make it work, it displays (live comment) in big letters on a striked background, map blinks but you cant' map it to anything.
Hey frz ! Man this is really great ! I've been looking for a way to have a triggered delay like on an old Boss DEP200 unit, and this is the perfect device for it.
thanks so much !
you forgot to mention it's a commercial license, it's 5$.
come on ... it says license: none, you give your email adress and find out you have to pay a minimum 9$,
that's called a commercial license
Also one button for both actions would make more sense
thanks, this could be VERY useful if it didn't fill up the undo buffer, like all the similar PAUSE devices that appear through the years
thank you!
I meant an update soon ?
well, nope.
it'd be great if the scrub could bounce back to zero when released, or when a key is assigned and you release it.
Like dubdub above I'm a Phaser lover, yours is amazing! Thanks !
It'd be great that the undo buffer doesn't get filled up each time you're using the gate. An update insight ? thanks!
Brilliant, thank you so much!
haven't tried it yet, but I trust you :)
thanks, could be really helpful but unfortunately the reset is filling up the undo buffer, making it unusable, when you have several of these on several tracks and start/stop while working on some parts, if you make a mistake and want to undo, it's a nightmare
hi, if it's not free you have to mention "commercial" in the license box
Hi, nice but I think it's the same as except you can use as many as you wish in a given project
in device details, license, you said "none" it should say "commercial" or whatever license you chose for that, cheers
the description should mention it's a commercial device, you're listing it as free but it's not, cheers.
It would be great to be able to define a min and max value when assigning to a pot.
Right now it's note off=O note on = 127, which works in some cases, but mostly not.
thanks for this! Requested by thousands for years to Ableton who stays deaf to these kinds of simple requests. You can bet that now you've done the hard work it's gonna pop up in the next version as built-in ;)
very usefull, thanks!
Nice, thanks !
Thank you !
Problem: it cannot be turned off if you're not on the track it is on.
ie. if you put in on master and you've assigned a shortcut to the [on/off] button, you need to select the master track to turn the effect off.
Can that be fixed with an update to max 7 ?
unfortunately each time the continue button is pressed an undo event is created, and worse when the undo history reaches a [continue play] event, it actually repeats the action, ie starts playing, instead of doing nothing and go back in the undo history.
Maybe this device could be updated for live 9 and max 7 ?
The principle is so useful, thanks!
sorry my mistake, it happened because I had assigned a shortcut to the device accidentally and it was the same as the collapse button shortcut
The collapse button only collapses the track it's on rather than the selected track.
(max 7)
OK I understand, I need a second midi track to actually receive the transformed data.
cool, cheers!
excellent, thank you !!
thank you!!! Been looking for this for days, so helpful.
Why doesn't Live has this and other basic functions natively is a mystery
oops it is working sorry, thanks!
Would have been really useful for me just for the continue button which doesn't exist in Live and therefore cannot be mapped, but here you need to push a key or midi note twice in order to have it working the next time you use it, which is a bummer.
Momentary would have been perfect
the clock on the left doesn't display properly, because of max 7 maybe ?
very good idea, thank you !!
could be really nice if it worked here, impossible to map anything
so useful, thanks!!
thank you!
excellent, thank you !
excellent, thanks!
not working unfortunately
10 out of 5 !
Actually tried it only after I commented above and it's really one of these usefull features that are otherwise lacking in Live.
It also keeps following in the edited clip window, fantastic!
Thanks for sharing!
Brilliant, Thank you !!
I meant to rate 5, pushed 4 by mistake and can't rate again.
Thanks again for this device, there are so many basic functions lacking in Live, it's great that you provided this!
very nice & useful, I wish it could also control the selected return tracks and master.
Thank you thank you thank you !!
Been reading 50 pages of devices, 10 per pages, to find your device!
It fills the non-understandable lack of KB shortcuts in Live for these simple & basic functions (mainly the solo button for me).
I began asking for this on Ableton's forum 10 years ago for several years, but unfortunately they don't care about these simple requests.
the Steps transport could have been very useful to me if the live cursor (the orange vertical line) actually moved when moving bars or beats forth or back. Instead, whatever you do, it doesn't affect the starting point when you press play. Therefore I don't understand the purpose ?
it doesn't work whatever the source, what comes out is always what comes in.
am I using it wrong ?
Thanks for posting.
Tried it to convert a CC# into another CC# but it doesn't work, ie the CC# coming in is the same as the CC# coming out, any idea why ?
thanks, perfect!
Thank you mlusk !!!
I've been looking for days at all devices from december 2015 up to your device from Oct2014 hoping to find exactly that.
I use Live in arrangement mode only, and this device gives at last the possibility to "simulate" a different arrangement without having to cut and paste just to see what it sounds like.

I'm happy to see that if you put 2 locators on top of each other you can "come back" to a locator that jumped to another place the first time it was read, hence really simulating a different arrangement.
for example:
you want to swap verse 1 with verse 2 in a song

create a locator named > verse 2 at the start of verse 1
create a locator named verse 2 at the start of verse 2
create a locator named > verse 1 at the end of verse 2
Create a locator named verse 1 and place it on top of the locator named > verse 2

when you play the track it will go to verse 2 then go back to verse 1.
thanks SlyFunky!
any possibility of adding a choice for a CC in particular rather than all CCs?
Thanks OJK ! I use Live in arrangement mode only, this device enables me to have a keyboard shortcut for "solo selected" which is dramatically missing in Live as far as I know.