Comments by buba

Wow! Someone here after so many years )
Im use Ipad now to control software, its much much more useful. But this summer im remember this project. It only works for live 8 and max 5.
Maybe this will help?
Sorry but this was long time ago...
Glad to hear this ;)
I glad to hear that someone else me use this! Thank you!
You must use:
1. files from device
2. max5

files from device mean that i'am modified original files that come wiht max and save int in my device. so you need to use it anyway (why i else modify them? ;) )

max5 is only enviroment that i'am use to build and test this device. i dont use max6 because i havent it.

To use it like crossfader you can simply map crossfader to one of the rows. But i dont understand what you realy want. If you need to change one row from vertical to horizontal this is too hard to programm. I thnik best way to do this - just use last vertical row for crossfade. Or you can buy another launchpad place it vertical and use like croddfader ;)

Happy tweaking!
ok. what i see - conflicts beetween max6 files and files in my patch. You MUST use my files instead of your local. about messages - this is ok.
Can you use Max5? i'am just cleared all umenu items. try this.
What If not copy this device to max6 patch? Just open it as is?
Yes! I think you MUST use Max 5.
I'am here man! ;) Just be quite and relax. We solve all problems man ;)
So give me a 2 days and i will record step by step instruction. BUT if this is happened - i think maybe you must clean reinstall operating system. This is VERY strange behaviour. Is this happend only with my device? Can you check out some other devices? So you only one who use this except me, and i promise to help you man ) Dont panick! ;)
They become yellow and don't become green? Am i right? I dont know about demo restriction but i think this is not a point. Can you manualy map parameter? So, to do this press map button on desired fader and then touch any parameter in live. If this not working - yep, there is some error in your configuration or maybe in my patch.
maybe problem that map will use LAST CHANGED PARAMETER in live. so workflow is:
1. drop device on any track
2. choose your launchpad as device
3. press user2 button
4. press learn button
5. press on any column and this column become yellow.
6. move any parameter in live with mouse - column become green, this is mean that parameter mapped
7. press learn button again to exit from map mode

i move parameter in live BEFORE enter learn mode - this guarantees that this parameter was last changed parameter in live. and exactly this parameter will be mapped. this is max for live behaviour
so i have new version with glide function. if someone need this
just exit from learn mode ))
i'am just think how to show current clip position on launchpad. this is. So good idea to use colors.
sound good )))
nice idea. not to difficult to realise. but why you need 8x64 faders? i think 64 more than enough. but maybe im wrong?
Glad you like it
to lek: this is behaviour of max4live. If you monitor changes in clip - you cant normaly edit it. Maybe this will be fixed in next
max releases/ But now i'am switch yo user1 mode for clip edit.

to uxeexu: i dont made any tutorial video before. so maybe this will be my first one ;)
last updated on today ) added +/- for step - you can midi or key map this buttons for quck change step size
updated/ added button 8x step (can be mapped to midi or key) - instead of step for 1 beat/semitone, step will be 8 beats/semitones. on by deafult
Updated. You can change velocity for any added note (psess note and set velocity), and you have main velocity for new notes. Velocity diff by color (6 colors). Only for launchpad - i havent APC 40
Thank you very much for feedback. Already done:
1. Right buttons for velocity (press note and when pressed change velocity). Just press and set general velocity.
2. Scroll behaviour (notes updates continiously every beat. just try)
3. Colors for velocity

Just fix some bugs and will update in 1 or two days. Good idea to use solo button for navigate of 8 beats! And good idea to discuss about which color to wich velocity. Because Launchpad have only 3 distingushed light