Comments by beatwife

@ AuralBee

This is very strange... These reports in your max window are of no importance to the patch... What is going on with your Max? Seems to work good for everyone else...
@ AuralBee

This is very strange... These reports in your max window are of no importance to the patch... What is going on with your Max? Seems to work good for everyone else...
I am guessing since there are no more comments, the issues have been resolved?
@ AuralBee, are you still having issues?
I am sorry everyone :(

But I think this issue has been resolved :)

I have uploaded a new file ^

try moving the patch to your "max MIDI Effect" folder. This is where it resides in my system.
dang, this thing is really not that complicated, let me try test on other machines?

you have the same device i use in my demo video @

try to edit the device and find out if there are any missing externals?

dang, this thing is really not that complicated, let me try test on other machines?

Based on glitch by dblue (but nothing compared). A programmable fx sequencer that sync?s with its host?s beat count.

Download "WIFE SEQ MIDI" for this site or @ if you would liketo control this device with a midi keyboard.

demo video and more fx n music @
Control WIFE SEQ FX via midi.

This device is for use with beatwife's "WIFE SEQ FX" uploaded on this site or @


checkout the demo video @

could you provide some information on your System and OS?


lets try and resolve this issue!
This is a big issue that I have not been able to overcome. . . . There do not seem to be many ways to play midi files in max that you can mess around with position of play. The "fO.miniseq2" was the best I could find.

This is what is stated in the "fO.miniseq2" help file:

miniseq2 will always use the last noteOff as its loop endpoint. to keep your loops fixed to beats or bars, you can record a dummy midinote with the desired duration that you mute for playback. just make sure no recorded midi spills over and extends further than the dummy's length (use [flush] to truncate).

Some help with this issue would be greatly appreciated!