Comments by SS4V

Hi, braduro.

> 1)
I understand, MAX user prefer a random function.
Also joy to be discovery from random.

> 2)
Although I still might do not understand because the MAX beginner ...
Partial sequence uses the live.grid object.
Unfortunately, this object does not have the option of changing the color of a specific step.

"steps depending on the divisions" is effective on the drum machine and multi-sampler, but I think that as not fit to this device.

> 3)
Sorry, but I could not understand what you're going to say.

If you have favorite rhythm device, following devices also have to try.
Problems with rhythm will disappear.

Thanks braduro.
braduro, Thank you for comment.

Release of tie, switch to the "on" or "off".
It might be better to drag easy to operate than to operate in click.

How to do a Thai setting was worried really.
As a result of trying a variety of patterns, it has become now of state.

In carrying make this device, we aim to be able to work in the operation of the number as low as possible.

"On, tie, off" is a set, "set" and "copy" button to each...
It is a result of aiming to fewer steps.

Complete chord list is considered a combination of more than 100, even just come up immediately.
Whether it is better to choose one from a huge list.

By using the "code maker" and "custom code", I think was able to cover all of the code.

Add "loop point" is might consider.

I think that's a good idea to create a clip from results of sequence.
I am just studying to create a clip from MAX.

Thanks braduro.
Thank you, rhythmhead and all download user.
SS4V-chordSEQ seems to worked without problems.
I'm relieved.

It will release the added update feature in the near future.
Sorry! update 1.0.1.
I was going to freezed the device.