Comments by Lokua

Nice one!
Sorry for late @gburks. That's pretty standard behavior of all the LFOs in live (external and those baked into the various synths). Out of curiosity I tried to make the live.dial's range go from 40. to 0., but the dial does not support reverse ranges like that. You could route the output of the rate knob into a [!- 40.] object to get that behavior, but the value displayed on the knob would be incorrect. A hack would be to hide the value on the knob, take the value out of the [!- 40.] object and route that to a comment object and include that in presentation mode. All of that is a little too hacky in my opinion to include in this fork, but can be done without too much effort.
js file is missing. you need to lock and freeze the device before distributing.
Very cool! Thanks.
@cfryal - yes that's true, it is from the comb filters. You're right, doesn't do any harm, only happens on load, and I really don't know why. I'm going to leave as is for the time being.

Thanks for the feedback guys (or girls or things or whatever you are) :)
Damn! I forgot to freeze the device before uploading it (sigh..again). My apologies to everyone! It should work no problem now. Thanks for commenting NeonBreath. To think, 82 downloads and only one comment on how it doesn't work? Talk about community.
didn't mean to be such a dick. thanks for the update :)
perhaps you can upload the device here? i don't see any good reason to have to unrar an amxd.
the short-name can be changed dynamically quite easily.

Or without looking at the linked device, send the message

_parameter_shortname newnamehere

You'll need to edit the mapping abstraction and include an outlet to send the mapped parameter name out.

if you need any more help email

this thing is awesome, really really great. the takeover mode is a nice touch and almost an effect in itself combined with the fade time (especially with fade time at 16!). getting some nice staircases with link on, and the extra reset choices. i might even have to switch from using my own lfo now :)
"Right now it's not possible to save the parameters"

-which makes it pretty much completely useless. Other than that it's a decent idea.
Thanks snaper. I realize I forgot to freeze the device to include the ln abstraction (it's just a line~ ramp to smooth the gain). Should work fine now. Sorry everybody!
@macableton - that's the maxmsp picker, windows. Not sure if it's the same on macs.
Awesomeness. Thank you.
Glad you like it - thanks for the feedback, that is a very good point. The phase of the Oscillator is not synced - you have a good ear. Pitch-wise it sounds the same to me every hit regardless of the AmpEnv or whatever BPM, however the attack 'click' is slightly - very very slightly different every two, three or so hits. Personally I like the inconsistency, but here is another version that phase-re-triggers. Perhaps if I get around to making a full featured bass-drum synth I'll add fancy option switches :)
If you freeze and lock the device grvvv will be included and people won't have to go to untrusted download sites for abstractions. Cheers.
Hey thanks a lot for this. Does anyone know which, if any, change Live's meter color?
This thing is awesome!
vb.fbosc~ missing.
please freeze.