Comments by LewdSmut

@planetarfractals Can you explain what you were trying to do in more detail? You mention MIDI Note data and if you're expecting this to work with Note On and Note Off data, I explain in the description that Note On and Note Off messages are not processed by the device and pass through unaffected.

It's the last sentence of the description: "Note On and Note Off messages cannot be routed through the S&H by design so for now they go straight through the device unaffected, although I may add support for Note data in the future."

I think you probably just missed that part. I'll move that part closer to the beginning, though. It will definitely be more convenient to people who want to use it for Note data since they will know immediately that it's not possible and won't have to waste time reading 'til the end to find out. Still, it's a good idea to read 'til the end of the description to see if there are answers to your questions. Thanks for the feedback.