Comments by JakobFeingold

Great! I would love to buy it. Unfortunately I dont have a credit card. Is there a possibility to pay you via paypal? Cheers Jakob
Dear veedjee,

thank you very much. I already had set everything the way you mentioned, but not the OUT of the Juno.
To make it short: it runs, but only in the 64 bit mode of Ableton. So thank you very much for this awesome plugin.
Btw. it was mentioned that you are Schweizer, so greetings from Deutschland.

Hi, first of all: AWESOME, thank you very, very much.
I just have the problem, that I can't run the bridge, I don't know which INs and OUTs to select (I tried them all, but no effect).
I only have Max4Live, is that a problem?
I opened the device in Ableton, unfroze it, opened the Juno_Alpha-Router_In_Out and saved it, so I can open it in MaxRuntime. I did that, I can also select all MIDI INs and OUTs, but still no effect (except the Preset and portamento buttons).
Did I do anything wrong?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Hi, first of all: AWESOME, thank you very, very much.
I just have the problem, that I can't run the bridge, I don't know which INs and OUTs to select (I tried them all, but no effect).
I only have Max4Live, is that a problem?
I opened the device in Ableton, unfroze it, opened the Juno_Alpha-Router_In_Out and saved it, so I can open it in MaxRuntime. I did that, I can also select all MIDI INs and OUTs, but still no effect (except the Preset and portamento buttons).
Did I do anything wrong?
Thank you in advance for your help.