Comments by IsotonikStudios

You just need to clear your cache :-)
Hey Adrian, How do I get in touch with you??
Very nice indeed!
Hi There, please report the issues your having through the contact option in the header of the website so we can assist you.

Please get in touch through the website with any feedback!

Random Notes is in testing now...
We don't deny it should be part of Live, but as it's not there's a couple of hundred hours development time that went into it...

Totally agree, my apolgies if you though i was inferring the code was copied, it's a fine pie of work!

There's many ways in maxforlive to achieve the same thing, and i've learnt a few from your patch as well. LaunchSync PRO is coded in JS and supports all of our custom scripts, it wouldn't make much sense to support other people scripts obviously....

Be great if this functionality was natively supported as an option in the MIDI preferences though :-)
Surprised someone hasn't copied it before...

Wow, it's been a long time... Isotonik NINE is now fully released, this device has been shared by Ableton and big things are on the horizon!


Sounds like a plan! Make it happen!!

Do you mean like a floating window version of the Session View? You probably want to look at Eric or Kevins Mixer devices...

And yeah would be awesome to be able to branch out in spurs from a device, that would be awesome, theres so much talent contributing to this site!

Can be done, the floating window work by Synnack and Kevin is pretty slick though, it may become a little too cluttered....?
Very clever idea!!

The stop lights of the APC40 only have green LED's so this is sadly impossible...

Isotonik 8 is now released, the Lite device will be updated in line with the new look and have some new functionality as well.... ;-)

JUst what i was looking for...

Because the link to download is in the description....

If you have a live.number in the device it's settings are saved when you save a set and close it...

Have it' being fed by the umenu going through a set $1 message and then feed it back into the umenu....

Attach a loadbang to a outputvalue message and on startup the previous saved number should fire into the umenu...

Qwerties act as toggles so you'd end up pressing them twice i suppose... Any live object can be midi or key mapped...

Hi Mate,

If you right click inside the device when in edit mode and select parameters, every parameter will have a number....

Simply number the first 8 dials 1 - 8 and the 2nd set of 8 9 - 16 with any other parameter ensure their number is 17 or higher (i set all of mine to 99) and then you'll get the blue hand mapping with two banks of controls....

Great device by the way!!

Controls 3 and 4 are up and down, i've always found the shift button to be a bit of a pain in the past because of the way it flushes things through.....

If you observe the shift key off state you may need a slight delay before sending the bang through?

Hi Mate,

Hope you don't mind but i've done the bits on the observing the bank select buttons, left and right as these are the only ways of changing the redbox focus....

And i've removed the send and receive objects, i've found they're great when building but they take up extra size and cpu when you could just patch directly, i should really colour code more stuff!!

Anyways it's in the dropbox if you want to use the modifications, awesome first patch by the way!!


I'm not updating this device anymore, you may be able to extract to beatjump patcher from within it to suit your needs, alternatively version 5.8 is fully midi mappable and available through my blog

Hi there,

This is the natural development of the DJ edition, it gained a name to give it a bit of an identity..... named after an old hardcore artist who recorded "different strokes"

Step by Step is tricky, you might want to watch the videos on my vimeo channel

Version 5 is immenent as part of a live template that includes a full manual....

I like this but i cant afford the hit on the cpu... why do you think it's so high....?

Totally agree, i'm using multisliders at the moment but i'm sure more precise control would be better, anyone know of an object that would do as suggested??

1/16ths is still glitchy for me, there's a little element of silence if your not catching it on the beat, seems to work more times than not but i generally only use it after i've captured a slice of audio with one of the other divisions.... It's first go with the objects i've learnt so anyone wnating to chip in with alternative ideas is more than welcome...

Razbo - Place it the left of your effects and then follow the instructions above....

Negotiator.... Try initializing the patch again with the button in the very centre of the big dial and then follow the instructions above...... You have drawn some curves into the smart graphs haven't you??
Hi Jaygo,


3000 Downloads, 100 comments (half of them by me obviously lol !)

Thanks everyone who's downloaded, working on my next device that's give simple smart knob control over Ableton effects racks.....

Seriously? Right hand set of knobs, button with Load written on it?

Double click rather than midi map then you have the tap tempo button still available for it's original purpose.....

Sends and recieves are good but i had literally thousands of them when i could have just dragged a patch cord!!

if you use s ---name and r ---name then the send and receive only work on the track in which they are contained....

Looping wouldn't go below 1/4 for me without jumping to 0 0 1 size so you go from a beat loop to the smallest glitchy noise that isn't the logical next step.... Would love to know more about potentiometers!!

Cool man, i was starting to think about breaking mine down into individual devices but it would be just a cut and paste job.... Downloading now to see what i can learn!!

Fixed now?

Hi FANiAM888

I've put the link for the Slave device in the description of this device....

Youneed the master on track one and the slave goes on as many other tracks as your system can handle without crashing with an out of memory error. I run it stably with 4 tracks being controlled on my macbook but the tower manages 6 (i don't know why!)

Sorry guys, please do not post your email addresses here, if you want to be on the mailing list leave me a comment on my blog.

In the meantime Clint's working hard to fix the download issues...

If you need it emailed then please leave me a message through my blog then i can maintain the mailing list from one source...

Sorry mate it's too big to email!!

It's not my site to check the server.....

I'll send you the template though when i get home, it's just uploading whilst i'm at work....

It takes a minute to load up..... Other than that i dont know....

Yes mate, it is fixed for the next version but i've got some heavy work involved in streamlining it so you can actually get control over 8 tracks using the slave device i've built to go with it...

I'm currently at 6 tracks so some more streamlining to go before i update it but as an idea i'm on version 4.1 (i update the number everytime i make a major change in case i have to rollback, i'll rvert to version 1.0 when i;ve finished the damned thing!

I'm also working on a template filled with effects racks and the like which i'll be sending out to anyone who wants it through my blog (leave me a message with your email address!!)


This is the best most sensible use of M4L yet, you need this in your life regardless of your controller!

If you have an APC40 it comes into it's own though as you can finally set up templates quickly and easily that multiply it's functionality by as many as you want, map the knobs to the pan bank and set up a million devices to control!

Awesome and thank you truly inspirational!

I sent a message on Facebook Luca!!

Excellent device, i've modified it for my usage so that i can set the time based on a number of beats rather than milliseconds....

I'll be using the device as is with dummyclips o automate the functionality to give me pseudo scratching type effects....

It's now the Brake effect in my device!! Beatlookup has finally been replaced! THANKYOU!!

No worries Stefan, will upload the next version by then anyway!

Hi Ponybob (cool name)

Place this device on the first track after an ableton rack (have a copy of this same rack on each of the other 7 tracks in your template) and then place ableton racks after the device.... Keymap or midi map the load button that sticks out from the left hand set of 8 knobs and then press and hold (button will turn red) and press and hold again (button will return to grey)...

The device will take a while to load based on all the objects and paths within it that need to initialize, then double click the tab to the right hand side of the right hand set of eight knobs, working from top to bottom these should have the names of the ableton racks you've placed after Isotonik.....

You can now take control of the device with the apc as demonstrated in the setup videos on

For more detailed instructions check out the posts on the ALDJ or Ableton forum.....

I promise i'll make a detailed guide once i've finished patching which isn't far away....

Hi Stefan,

Answers hopefully...

1,Not sure i can replicate this so i'll look into it, the first button can only ever play the first slice, but are you saying the lights are not in sequence?

2, This is caused by the loadbang not initialising in the correct order, what happens is that when you load the patch it leaves it stuck on slice 8 and so when glitching with another button you get the right glitch but then it get's stuck on, a manual workaround currently is to press each of the buttons before you start playing (i'll again fix this in the next version using some form of delayed bang however the main issue is a fault with M4L which has been acknowledged and documented on the C74 forum.

3, Fixed it with the next version, bear with me....

4, The red of the tab is the size of the slice, if you turn the cue level knob on the apc whilst in this scene it'll change the rate of the glitching

5, Timing is the issue, it's worked to loop only on whole bars so if you've set a loop you need to be careful where you press the next loop set button as if you've passed a start of bar point it will use this new point as the start marker. You're better off changing loop lengths using the half and double buttons after they have been set.....

6, Yes.... The set function will only function correctly if you're setting the loop on an unlooped clip, not for editing a currently looped clip. I hope to fix this later but it's behaviour is as erratic as the loop_jump_point bang.....

7, Obviously something wrong with my maths on this one, i'll look into it and get it fixed....

8, The Beatrepeat is based on the chucker object and so as such the audio is replaced with each bar, the point at which the stutter occurs is quantized to 16ths so that it's more likely you'll hit audio that sounds better sonically....
I can't talk for the buttons not working as they function every time for me?
There will be a slave device shortly that will allow a device in each track but no i won't be doing a scaled down version sorry!

Glad to hear you got it working.....

just developing a version that becomes even more configurable so that you can select any of the modes for the track select buttons and activate, cue and record so you can have any control you'd like on each scene....

My apologies, the shift button is controlled by the metronome button on the APC40 and not the shift button which has too much going on to use it as a shift within max.....

Realised i've deleted the original instructions, on the rack on the right double click the first top right button to the side of the knobs, it should be named according to the rack placed immediately after it..... If you have a look at the last video on my blog you'll see what i mean....

The device is 17mb large so will take a while to first initialise.... if your using an apc40 no midi mapping is required bar mapping the load button to the tap tempo.... You should select apc40 as a control surface in the midi preferences and select the apc40 itself in both input and output drop down menus.....

When the device has loaded press and hold the tap tempo twice to initialise the patch properly.....

The Slave device may work but won't have all the functionality of the master as i'm currently working on the slave version to get it uploaded tommorrow.....

sorry i don't have a readme as yet as the development is taking all my time.....

mmmmm quite like the S400 idea.... but i forgot what the hell i'm doing is probably closer to the mark!!

Watched the APC20 video last night so will be taking over the volume faders for other goodness shortly, thinking of switching it to control a gater so you can gate out, or a reverb etc. just some different way of transitioning out of a track....


I've just figured out how to disable the scene launch buttons permanently!

Now got another 5 buttons x 5 scenes of mashing nonsense to code in....

Hi Mate,

I've opened and unfrozen the patch, clicked the view source message box.... And nothing happens....

Sorry i really think this looks just like what i'm after!

Sorry guys, i've tried updating the patch to be version 3.4 of the master but things just don't seem to be working with the site at the moment.....

clla, have you mapped the load button to the tap tempo button as per the instructions above? This will disable the stop button however the scene launch buttons still work as the default and only switch off when the metronome is held down....

What apart from the detailed instructions above and the 5 videos on ?

Hi Tony,

I'm just working on adding back in the ability to midi map the controls with the minimum number of buttons possible again, JuanSOLO and myself are working on improving the control surface 8x8 device so expect to see that first....

Wow just realised this patch is in the top five highest rated on there... Thank you all so much, well chuffed especially as i know it's been glitchy getting it to this point!

Yeah i've found that too.... The one i've got on my mac at home seems to fix this though with the tip on the disabler above....

For playschool above the error messages will stop when you have a clip playing, it's the followaction patcher that's producing the errors....

I'l get it poisted as soon as i can but if you go into the patch and locate the p disabler patcher within it (near the top to the right) then within this patcher the word button in the top left message of the patcher should read buttons, this will then properly disable the clip stop buttons rather then just on occasions....

New version soon i promise.....

You should only have one instance of this device, the others should be of the slave device linked to in the note above....

Then make sure you have loaded each instance by either midi mapping to the load button or pressing individually, you'll notice that the patch firstly goes to the shifted functionality so in the first case press metronome, track select one, then metronome and scene launch one....

It should then all be ready to use....


ps new update with gating functionality tidied up beat repeats and a more secure disabling of the clip stop buttons is coming soon!
Wow, i got it working! My clips don't appear to launch so i don't know what i did wrong there but everything else responds.....

It's actually way to fully featured for me as i'm not going to use the iphone as a replacement controller for the APC40 but it makes an awesome x/y pad controller....

Any chance of posting a video tutorial or two on how you got everything going? This patch is inspirational!

Don't think so, i haven't got one.... Unless you want to send me one?

Sorry should've been clearer on the metronome button, mybe call it something different like scene selector to avoid confusion?

It does leave the shift functionality intact though so you can press shift and the second button under the device control and bank the knobs to control the rack on the right....

Oh and i'll add to the descriptiuon as metronome plus track select button chooses the parameter that the right hand rack focuses on, just need to sort out the recording of values as at the moment every rack resets to the same values that i've set for my A&H vs DJM rack eg, 65 0 0 0 127 127 127 127...

Need to dig into your preset thingymajig as it holds some good keys for me, i may also implement the send control that you've developed into one of the scenes as i intend to have track 8 as a summing track so you can group together a number of tracks for glitching, i'll also be resurrecting dummy clips in this track for my own set as there are some wicked transitions available when you spend some time drawing things out....

thanks man, i moved things on a bit so i've branched into version 3.1

A lot less clunky than before.... Roadtesters required, especially now that the patch isn't just a mess of wires....

Only one audio effect in it so far in the beatjumps but these sound good so i hope i'm forgiven, many more to come but i need to delve into MSP for that so it might take me a while so i'll be ironing any kinks that people find out of this patch first before getting any deeper!

Does this mean i can use the keypress class as a keystroke emulator for max for live??

I have absolutely no idea how to get started with external Java's but if the answer is positive i'm in like flynn on this one!

I'm using 8.1.1 Live and 5.1.1 Max (41439)

Can you navigate to where the three calls are sent to the live object an click them in order of looping on, loop start and then loop end.... The patch calls the loop on and then delays the loop start and loop end call by one beat, this seems to be the only way that it doesn't confuse Ableton, i have it mapped to a momentary button on a nanokontrol and as you've seen from the videos rarely have a problem....

I'm a few days away from looking at it again having dived into the APC properly so if you get a chance to test any changes you make let me know and i can implement them in the new version, logically though i'm sure you'll agree there should be no problem....

Don't know whats going wrong at your end mate, currently rebuilding it from the ground up but having no problems as you describe them... Anyone else??

Things'll be easier with the next version to follow as it's a lot tidier....

And i've got one device on every track of 8 and now 5 audio effect racks before each and no noticeable slowdown... what buffer is your audio set to?

Good to go now!!

Cool thanks guys, I'll get a look at the midi side of it soon....

Just working on the shift functionality within the patch so no need for a seperate device to handle midi from the apc40, i'm setting it up using a nanokontrol which has enough butttons and knobs to do all eight tracks.....

Oh and added extra divisions for the beatjumps which sound wicked, beat repeats on another scene as well....

Nearly there, thanks for all the feedback!

Hi Juan,

I'm not sure what the problem is your having with the loop functions, it works solidly at my end, that said it didn't used to and i tried all sorts of different things to get it to work before i reverted to the simplest of calling all the changes at the same time.....

The stutters could easily go deeper, it just depends on the order of slices you send into the chucker object, currently it's sending 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 etc (24 steps) regardless of the size of the chucker (either 1 bar or two bars defined by the position of the 1/4's or 1/8ths switch) if you wanted smaller slices you'd need to work another switch into the mix to replace the messages sent into the chucker so instead they ran with 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 then depending on the length of the chucker you'd get your 16ths etc.

And yes i've got two scenes left, the next works on stabs / switches for the A B & C sends (I'm hosting a neat beatrepeat rack in C to do my stutter work) and the final Scene was intended to do gate style cuts and chops (theres a couple of max devices in the library i'll be pulling apart to make this happen!

It works this end for me? It's quite a large file so it was sent in via email but that should make it even more foolproof!

Things to do include the shift functionality of the first "scene" i think i'll be replacing the buttons on the right with loop start, loop on/off and loop end for setting your own loop lengths as focus on clip is now a standard functionality of the APC40.....

Then i'll look at the binding of the maximum value being the clip end, difficult at the moment unless you prgram each clip to cycle through loop on and off at the start of playing it to achieve the call on the clip_end to get the maximum, it;'ll happen but now everything seems to be working smoothly for me (and it looks good!)

Feedback as ever is greatly appreciated including "what if you could" as well as "your code would be cleaner if...."

Things to do include the shift functionality of the first "scene" i think i'll be replacing the buttons on the right with loop start, loop on/off and loop end for setting your own loop lengths as focus on clip is now a standard functionality of the APC40.....

Then i'll look at the binding of the maximum value being the clip end, difficult at the moment unless you prgram each clip to cycle through loop on and off at the start of playing it to achieve the call on the clip_end to get the maximum, it;'ll happen but now everything seems to be working smoothly for me (and it looks good!)

Feedback as ever is greatly appreciated including "what if you could" as well as "your code would be cleaner if...."

For the moment open the patch in edit mode and locate the bright blue comment that says about entering the track number, i'll update this patch shortly so that it'll look for the track that it sits on...

And as for making it float... Haven't got the first clue on how to achieve this? What would be the benefit of doing so??
