Comments by HadenCain

@Shroomystic, It's free to download now!
@markusschloesser, this bit of advice has been critical in the creation of my more recent experiments. Thank you for this useful advice.
Thank you for pointing this out @bulletriddled.
All of the links have been updated for each of these devices. I'll shoot you a copy right now via email-
I use this technique the ENTIRE time in my most recent work: "Ballet Atop Raised Platforms". Composed for a (make-believe) electro-acoustic ensemble.


Yes! directly after the signal has been delayed and attenuated, it is recorded into a buffer(superBuf) while en route to being reiterated and resent through the delay. I'm then constantly changing the rate of playback of this new recording(superBuf), which alters the perceived pitch for a portion of the feedback.
The rest of the delayed signal is not equipped for panning and is sent to the output. This makes the "warped" delay appear as though it's appearing in different locations in the soundscape than everything else which makes it easier to identify and mix-in appropriately.

on another note:
I could put together some demos If that's the norm for these posts. I already have some M4L / chucK stuff on YouTube.