Comments by GarrettNorvell

ooooo, yeah, I don't know Max nearly well enough to reduce cpu usage, but perhaps someone else here would have a go at it?

I will, however, take a peak at the morph knob.
aww, thanks folks! I'm just learning this stuff by breaking it, really. Let me know if 1.3.4 works for everyone. (o:
woh. All sorts of stuff got disconnected within the 1.3.3 patch! It may take me some time to go back and forth with the previous version LOL but we'll get it sorted! Thanks for the thanks @enchse
I'll take another peak
LOL, sorry! I'll refreeze on my end and re-upload right now
@Enchse: fixed! (o:
Please let me know if anything else is broke'd
I locked and froze the .amxd, and 1.3.1 works great on my Mac; how about yours?
huh, weird! I'll mess with it and see if freezing helps (o:
Someone on cycling73 took pity on me and directed me to some updated externals, so I chucked them into Morphiner and it's working beautifully on Apple Silicone / MacOS! I also edited the UI so it works in the Live chain.

Thank you for a great device, @Opticon93
Thanks for the quick response!
I do t know much about it either but I’ll take a look at that Xcode resource and if I can figure it out then I’ll let you know.
Thanks again for your work!
Sadly, it won't load for me. Error says one of the externals isn't compatible with Apple Silicon. Looks like it's fftz.morphine~
Any chance we could convince you to re-compile that binary?

I wish it was possible to have the chord strummed like for a specific amount of time

Hmm, that is precisely what this device does …? Or perhaps I don’t quite understand what you are wishing for
Crashing for me also (Live 11.2b on mbp running 10.13.6). This seems like an amazing device -really hoping for an update if/when you get the time! (o:
The device only plays the first chord and goes silent over the next chords. Can you please fix this

I should have stated that in the description: Even the originals (Nylon & Mylon) required that each chord be 1) quantized so each midi note within the chord starts at the same time; and 2) separated from other chords by a few ms (don't know how many, but several...).

Thanks for trying it out; please do let me know if this still doesn't work and I'll take another peak at it (o:
Got it! Bi-directional:

So cool! Any chance the strum can be reversed (highest midi note first)? I crawled around under the hood for an hour or so, and accomplished little other than getting covered in digital grease, and think I might have lost some pliers somewhere in the manifold LOL)
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
cheers & blessings,
Great device, John! Does this respond to the peak or LUFS of the audio signal? Thanks!
Cool concept! I can't figure out how to focus compression on a given frequency band though (to help tame nasal harmonics, for instance). Any thoughts? Thanks!
Hi Anthony,
thanks for this device! It is sleek and SO helpful. Any chance that a future iteration may be able to interpret chord inversions?
cheers n' blessings,
Oooo, and a button to randomize which steps are activated? (o:
This is amazing! Thanks for making a wonderful device 'wonderfuller' (o;
I would love to be able to have 24 steps for jazz runs; Any chance you could either give me some help in Max to customize it myself, or include that in your next update? Thanks so much!!!
cheers n' blessings,
ps, I did try editing various parameters for the slider and bpatchers on my own, but am a novice and hopelessly lost.
this is AWESOME!! If I could boldly ask a favor: make the plot's scale resizable by users so that we can zoom into the area that matters most to us (for me that's between -9 and -12). Thanks so much for this great device, Funkatronics!!
cheers n' blessings,