Comments by Bilo2014

Hey Farabee,

Where you come from ? We play same Music Style !
Here is my email: moc.xmg.lugoket-agh try it backwards !

It seems that Fabrizio dont won't to create an Arranger Software !
But this devices are nearly perfect and very close to this Machines !
Anyway we cant force him to do that.
So we must look for another programming genius out there.
But if he would make a version he wouldt make good business,
because there are a lot users who will pay for such a system.



Hello Fabrizio,

Thanks for fast uploading but
i doesn´t thought that a Bass Track would make so much programming Problems !

Your Tonic Device is not finished yet.

I have 3 tipps for making better tonic Device

1. It should recognize root notes and let the other Notes in Ableton Sequencer thru. Cause now every not is Root Note until the Octave is changing but between for example c1 until c2 you can't get other notes then root notes.

2. i saw that you can change the button to free filter its working better for me then Correct on Beat but when i change the chords FAST for example from Aminor to Cmajor in half seconds 0.5 sec. and backwards, there should come an extra trigger from the root note even when there is no note programmed in the moment until the next note will pick up and play further.

3. it will be great when we make a range of notes
for example Low C1 and High C3 and everything outside that range will play in the right note in the range.

To my person i´m about 15 Years Player Arranger Keyboards.
I know very well how this machines react. But its impossible for me to program like these cause having no programming skills

so please please Fabrizio bring an update !
i will donate on paypal when product is working fine !


Hello Fabrizio,

many thanks for uploading with new device harmochordbass.amxd.
Its working fine but i think its to fix with the integrated sixteen step sequenzer ! I mean you have no control over velocity, note length and 32th or 16th ghost notes ! Thats the main properties of a good bass line.
Please make an update as fast as possible ! It should work like your device
HarmonyChordFilter.amxd it should use the Ableton internal Sequenzer !

Sorry for the new criticism ! ;-)


Hey Fabrizio,

as Farabee asked in January, please please make an update for bass Track with correct root notes. Your Products and Tools are perfect.
But please give them Bass Track little time to program correct !

Thanks a lot

Your are a Maxforlive Ninja :-)

