Comments by Bert

You could map a dial to the Min.(from this clip) and Max.(to this clip) values and control the range.

or you create a dummy clip sending midi-controls to change the range of clips.
well, thats exactly the idea of this device. if you want 2 midi control-streams with curve-function at the same time you could just use 2 instances of this device and map the same controler to the input of each. But I guess there are easier solutions. however this device is not really meant to be used like mapulator.
sorry, thats not possible with this device
hm... du you still get an input on the devices level meter after jumping back to where the instruments playing?
I'd be careful, to use the device in a live situation, since you might get little clicks when an effect is turned back on... but on the other hand, I never tried, so please report your expirience!

well, if you click on the yellow "Input" button, the device does not listen to the input signal any more and modulates all the time (but not only as long as playing.

I plan to update the device and could easily include this feature... but have to find the time for it!
Thanks for the feedback!
Some good points, I will definetly try to implement.
- one mappable slot makes sense especially in conjunction with knobs on each step!
- I dont understand, what you mean with assignable notes?
- A tempo parameter would be easy to implement, if it was just multiplying/dividing lives tempo. Well, an indipendent (internal) clock wouldn't be so hard also :). I'll try it!

One additional idea of mine was to make it possible to morph the parameter value from one step to another.

keep it comming!
all the best

Ok, I'm back.
Any new ideas? If you want you can also send me an email to my address above!

best regards
sorry, which button do you mean?
Did you set up the device as described above?

What do you try to use it for? Eventually Version 2.0 ( might be easier to set up...
Hey James,
I am glad about your interest in my device. I am not sure, if I understand everything corrctly (I'm not a native speaker). Maybe some basic points first:

The device is not meant to do anything with audio signals. It's just an audio device, so you could put it on just any track you like (no matter if its an audio-/instruments-/return- or even master-track. In fact you could just put it on any track, to control a davices parameter, which is on a completely different track.

What "issue with scalability" do you mean?

"Unless by "gate" you mean you are not assigning the orange state (or the blue for a "reverse gate"), such that when the pressure or velocity or whatever variable control you assigned to the condition, falls below the blue/orange delineation ("threshold"), the blue is no longer being controlled."

- yes, tahts how I mostly set it up!

"But you could create a similar result with the envelope curve of the assignment, right?"

- I guess you think of setting the envelopes in a way, so you just send out data on the inputs "second half" for example? That wouldnt be the same, because you wouldnt have the garantee, that you do not control any other perameter at the same time.

"The pads themselves are not gating the input, only toggling which assignment is being controlled. The pads NOT being touched are sending MIDI info as well, if you have the same input assignment."

- I dont know how the pads not being touched could send out Midi? Well, I set up my Microkontrol's Pads to work as buttons not as toggles.

"And by capturing a state, do you mean simply that by changing the condition state then the last parameter moving will remain at its last value until the condition changes back to it?"

- yes exactly (maybe I described it a little too complicated).

"where would you find the full range of the Condition slider useful?"

- actually I also just use it with toggle behavior. I just imagined, that the slider would represent the action more demonstratively. Maybe it would make more sense, if you could "blend" from orange to blue state? But I guess this would be even more confusing. What do you think?

I guess, I'll have to make a video for further explanation. but wont be able to do so, before next month, because I'm travelling right now. So I hope this was a little helpfull, and again: dont hesitate to ask, if there are still questions!
Thats a justified question!
In fact the benefit of the device increases if you use several controllers & devices. e.g. I personaly use it like this:

I have a Korg MicroKontrol. I mapped the Midi CC of the Joystick to the Input value of several devices. Then I mapped each Pad of the Microkontrol to the Condition-Parameter of each device. The Pads are "gating" the Joystick's CCs - so to speak. Now I can control several of Lives parameters with just the joystick, depending on which pad I press. Furthermore I can capture a certain state of one of Lives parameters by pressing a pad - thus changing from blue to orange signalpath.

(In fact I use a custom made m4l device which incorporates the function of this device several times, but its basically the same)

Thanks for the Feedback and please ask, if there is still something unclear!
Yes, I planned to, but didnt have the time yet. Any sepcific question, I can help you with?

best regards, Bert