Comments by AmanitaAudio


(The comments section doesn’t appear to accept inverted commas, so I used carets).

^ Do you think more of these features will eventually be integrated natively into clip view? ^

Possibly basic features like slicing and glueing notes, velocity curves and some scale operations. But I think the randomisation stuff is unlikely, especially stuff like Blocks. And I can’t see feature being added like Scale Leap and Scale Transpose. Highly unlikely regarding more complex features like Stamp and Gen Mod.

^ How would you compare your device in expediency and agility compared to a judicious use of the standard editing tools and shortcuts? ^

I think some time with the demo would answer that : ). With several clicks Chop will create results that are incredibly tedious if done manually.

^ I approach Live from a performance perspective… I just wish there was a way of staying away from the mouse/point-click tediousness of editing. ^

I’m very much into performance too. But I give equal attention to editing the results. Also a big fan of randomisation because it frees me from the patterns I get stuck in from years of playing.

^ The other feature is the blocks selection, which I didn't play with, but seemingly allows motifs to be the smallest building block. ^

That’s exactly it. Scrambling all notes can produce too much variation. Blocks retains some form by operating on the motifs. And of course you can go a little smaller (e.g. 1/8,) to get some intense results.

^ Be sure to include your deactivated notes… ^

To clarify, empty blocks between note blocks will be ignored. Deactivated notes are only needed in empty blocks if you want to include these in the scramble (which you probably won’t want to do most of the time). Block size is automatically quantised too.

^ Even when some of the process is snappy, you may find that the undo process causes a lag. A built in memory to the clip may be helpful, or just make lots of copies of the original before working on a single clip. ^

I haven’t experienced any lag in the Undo. Curious about where you’ve noticed it.

^ The manual itself could use some diagrams… ^

I considered diagrams but decided video is much better. And many of the features like Octave and Scale Leap quickly become apparent after use. Constraint is up to the user. Of course, results will be extreme if maximum values are use. Easiest just to press Undo I think.

^ I put the 1st movement of Beethoven's 5th Symphony through the paces… ^

Cool. There’s plenty scope for remixing all the free MIDI files out there. Inverting and then snapping back to the original scale is a good start.

^ I don't know if it's logical, but having the global button on made me wish for more actions that could utilise this level functionality. ^

I assume you’re talking about Batch. Adding it to more functions should be quite easy. A candidate for an update if in demand.

^ Any plans for midi or key assignments? or tab and cursor navigation? ^

MIDI and Key assignment is under the hood. But it’s complicated but the fact that Live creates an Undo step for parameters that are assignable. I designed a seperate ‘layer’ of assignable buttons, so that clicking the Apply buttons won’t create the extra step. I thought this might confuse novice users and there’s a lot to digest already, so I left it hidden for now.

A better approach may be to provide a choice of MIDI keys that connect directly to the Apply buttons. This avoids the Undo issue. And it would allow you to trigger Tranz4ma’s randomisation with a MIDI clip, then stop the sequencer when you like the results. Another possible candidate if in demand.

^ Looking forward to the full set of scales in the full version. I truly appreciate anyone who takes this idea beyond the constrained, "Push" subset. ^

Great! I could look at adding more scales too (if I find good ones). Easy done.
@ Stromkraft

I had considered it. It's certainly possible in an update. I don't own a Push so would appreciate suggestions. And I think I'd be hesitant without clear recommendations. I don't want to create a substandard experience.

Connecting the Apply buttons seems easy enough. However, when it come to dials, there's hundreds. That could be a ton of banks to scroll through.
Thanks for the detailed review! I'm busy doing vids at the moment and wanted to take some time before replying. Lots to discuss here and I like to be deliberate. Will reply asap.
: )


Yep $79 after November.


Sure, demo limitations are:

- Settings are not saved/recalled
- Parameter ranges are restricted *
- ‘Rotate Right’ is unavailable
- 30 second wait before start
- 15 minute time limit
- 20 of 77 factory scales are available

* A few operations like Stamp and Gen Mod don't have parameters so they're fully functional. All the Ornament parameters are full range except semitones and velocity ramps.

The only email I'll send is updates, discounts, (quality) free stuff and instructional info about a device. And I prioritise fixing bugs over adding features and new products.
Videos are coming but I can't say how soon. A manual is included and all controls have Info Text. Happy to answer any questions too.
: )