Comments by 2RuleAk100

Update to 5
-In addition to the already existing adjustable velocity knobs, the option of using the velocity of the midi-in "FixVel./InVel." button has been added.
-In addition to the automatic ordering of the notes according to the "from low to high pitch", the option of "setting automatically incoming midi note to the lowest empty line" is added (NoteOrdered/NoteFirstIn button). In this case, when pressed up a note, the corresponding line becomes empty (the sorting algorithm is not called).
-The number of preset cells was stuck at a maximum of 23 and user presets could not be added. bug fixed.
-There was a problem with undo steps in device parameters when given Ctrl Z in Ableton. problem fixed.
-A few minor bugs are fixed.
There were a few that I had in mind, some of them did not. I hope to make your suggestions as soon as I find the time. but some of your suggestions may take more time. :-)
I appreciate you very much for your support. Of course, new improvements can be made, and I'd love to hear about them. But the only problem is the space problem on the screen. maybe new parameters can be added by applying paging (tab) type layout format . Thank you so much again for your support.
:-) thanks a lot for your support,
I would be very happy if these patches worked for you.
İf you have any idea for develpment please feel free to comment here.
Thanks again :-)
schlam , Thanks for your comment.

These are good ideas worth to add.

In last update (3..0) I have added Midi Bus feauture to route the individual note to other tracks
Maybe in that level, one can add probabilistic ableton device to get a richer harmony .

I have plans for your second suggestion,

Thank you very much.

@babasynth sory for that , no longer empty :-)
Update: ver2.0
Ctrl + Left Mouse for image translation
Shift + Left Mouse for image zooming
Thank you so much. I'll will go through into your suggestions (about the mouse) . I was already thinking of looking into the max/msp properties regarding mouse movements. I'm not sure I can find a solution. I will try and see :-)

I will also try to find the case related to the bug.
Many thanks for your suggestions.

Thank you very much.
Many thanks for the guidance and warning.
I will try to fixe the problems you pointed out. I had already set the "wav" variables in buffer~ object with ---. but I missed all the named matrix changes. Thanks again.
Since my max4live version does not have "gen" object development feature, I am trying to develop it in very long ways. Things are geting very complicated in patches and important points can be missed as a result.
It might be better if I upgrade to the gen feature.
I appreciate your detailed response. thanks again
once again a ingenious and futuristic device fom Dillon
Thanks a lot.