Comments by 13volt

Hello, and thanks for this tool. I wish to use it to map a single hardware input controller to multiple hardware synths. The target units have a fixed midi implementation, requiring a controller # translation.

When I add the CcConverter.amxd device to the midi chain (1st device) the table with 8 controller slots remains blank (black background only).

If I open the device in Max, I see:

8 errors:
bpatcher: bpatcher: error loading patcher BB.CCConvert.maxpat
These point to: "varname" : "BPCC_1",

then 2 errors:
live.text: can't find ArrowOn.svg
pointing to: "varname" : "InputMin[8]",

then 8 more errors:
pattrforward: could not resolve requested object (BPCC_1::Monitor)
these point to: pattrforward

is there a component missing in the device?

Am I using the device wrong? I expected to see 8 slots to populate with
incoming controllers to translate...

Thanks! any insight you could provide is appreciated.
Happy to send screen grabs off-list.
