Device Details
Name | Version: | Squeyle 0.12 |
Author: | schlam |
Device Type: | Audio Effect |
Description: | Hello, This L11 device (may work on L10) allows to : ___DISTRIBUTE a scale across several tracks. (up to 12, max one note per track.) It's a kind of "hocket" technic but with scales. ___SCRAMBLE several track's scale (each track will be scrambled independantly but still in their scale, common or not) ___MORPH (chromaticaly) in real time up to 12 tracks between 2 different scales (shift+click on the 2 presets and move the automatable slider) I don"t know if this device is working with Live 12, I"m stiiiill on the beta waiting list :/ SETUP____________ ___note that this device doesnt do anything "alone", it just controls and "synchronises" the "scale devices" of the live set ___insert a stock "scale" midi device on each track you want to be procedded (grouping/nesting a scale device will exclude it) ___insert Squeyle in an audio track (or master) ___press REFRESH if the bold number at the bottom of the device do not indicate the number of scale/track detected.(sometimes has pressed twice..Press Refresh each time you add/move/delete a track or scale device.) ___create/draw a scale in Squeyle (note that the bottom row acts as "no note" and there is no 13th row) ___all proceded tracks now share the same scale.(note that this device controls all the 1st "scale" midi devices in each track, that are not in a rack. The device cannot control more than 12 scale devices/tracks. ___ shift+click the 1st preset square slot to save the scale. ___click Scramble or Distribute or tweak the matrice or whatever.. ___shift+click the 2nd preset slot ___to hear the result you have to send in each proceded midi tracks the same (or not) clip or realtime playing while tweaking the device ___map the slider and/or use : ___REV / OFFSET to reverse or offset by one semi tone all the scale/tracks ___the LIVE DIAL to allows to transpose all the tracks within the current scale. ___BASE STORING makes the "base" of each Scale device to be saved/recalled or not NOTES beta releases with some bugs. veeeery old and veeeery messy "draft device"/"proove of concept" patch that the announcement of Live 12 makes me remember of... |
Live Version Used: | 11.3.20 |
Max Version Used: | 8.5.7 |
Date Added: | Jan 02 2024 18:09:18 |
Date Last Updated: | Jan 05 2024 09:21:46 |
Downloads: | 204 |
ⓘ License: | None |
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Device File: | squeyle_audio 0.12.amxd |
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