Device Details


Name | Version: MIDI Solo Safe 1.0
Author: fakedubz
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: The device will automatically solo the midi channel that it's placed on, as soon as you press solo on another channel.

Very useful for midi routing, especially when you have multiple channels pulling midi from one source.

This is a Midi adaption of this Device:


Live Version Used: 11.3.13
Max Version Used: 8.5.2
Date Added: Nov 16 2023 17:00:48
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 216
License: Attribution
Average Rating (1)

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Device File: Midi Solo Safe.amxd


Thx!! Really usefull
Hey super helpful device, using it with Multiclock.

After update to Ableton 12, it start to had a little issue with focus of the track, if i solo any other tracks it automatically jump/focus to the track where Solo Safe device is applied.
Wow! Exactly what I needed. I almost gave up finding a solution (after I tried the version for audio channels) and then I discovered your MIDI version.

I am triggering Maschine with a MIDI channel in Ableton (because the piano roll of Ableton is far more user friendly). And I have all the different sounds of Maschine routed to seperate audio channels. But when you soloed one audio channel it also muted the MIDI channel.

Thank you very much!

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