Device Details


Name | Version: The Division Department - 01 IV 3
Author: markusschloesser
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: A Max for Live device for the drum synth "01/IV" from The Division Department

This maxforlive device can control all the CC parameters for the 01/IV plus the reset features that are available via notes. Now you can access, edit and automate all the hidden functionality that is not available via knobs.

No patch storage, not (yet) pretty ;-)

Logo only used, so that you can identify the device


Live Version Used: 11.3
Max Version Used: 8.1.5
Date Added: Oct 22 2023 21:59:08
Date Last Updated: Oct 22 2023 21:59:28
Downloads: 0
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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