Device Details


Name | Version: Tape Buffer 1.0
Author: MAUVStudio
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Tape Buffer: Your Creative Safety Net

Introducing Tape Buffer, the musician's time-traveling sidekick for Ableton. No more fear of missing out on those fleeting moments of brilliance or those experimental melodies that you can't reproduce. With Tape Buffer, every sound, every experiment, every spontaneous note you play is safely captured in high-quality 24-bit WAV, ensuring you never lose another creative idea.

Key Features:

Always-On Recording: Tape Buffer records non-stop, holding onto the last 5 minutes of your creativity. Whenever inspiration strikes, you'll have a record of it.

Minimalist & Intuitive Interface: Drawing visual inspiration from the timeless cassette, our user interface is not just easy on the eyes but incredibly user-friendly. Click, drag, and relive your moments of genius.

Intuitive Navigation Controls: Adjust your selection's length with 'Shift,' zoom and move the display window with 'Ctrl,' and swiftly move your highlighted section without altering its length using 'Alt.'

How It Works:

Record: Toggle the recording on or off.

Waveform Visualizer: Dive into the cassette visualization to view and interact with your recorded waveform.

Write: Extract your selection, immortalizing those musical moments.

Delete: Clean the slate and continue your musical journey.

Who Needs Tape Buffer?

Whether you're a sound designer who loves to experiment, a singer trying out new melodies, or a musician who dreads forgetting those perfect riffs, Tape Buffer is for you.


Live Version Used: 11.3.4
Max Version Used: 8.1.5
Date Added: Sep 22 2023 23:00:33
Date Last Updated: Sep 23 2023 01:18:06
Downloads: 0
License: AttributionNonCommercial
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please do a tape time stretching too

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