Device Details


Name | Version: MIDI Monopoly Fixed 1.0.1
Author: jonah876
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: This is not my work. It is Ronen Peri's (12RT2; see

I am posting this because that device, while very useful, has a bug where it doesn't save its parameters; it resets every time you reload the Live set. This is simply a version that fixes that bug.

If you're curious, I fixed the bug by opening that device in Max, clicking Ctrl/Cmd+I, and then clicking on each of the two dropdown parameters in Max and searching for and enabling "Parameter Mode" for each of them.


Live Version Used: 11.2
Max Version Used: 8.3.1
Date Added: Feb 25 2023 23:54:10
Date Last Updated: Feb 25 2023 23:55:10
Downloads: 239
License: None
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Device File: MIDI monopoly fixed.amxd

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