Device Details


Name | Version: 808Hat 2.0
Author: opticon93
Device Type: Instrument
Description: Hi,

This is a Hi Hat instrument very loosely based on the 808 circuit. It uses 6 Rectangle waves with adjustable Pulse Width. The R button randomizes the Pulse Widths. This can be very subtle to quite obvious, depending on the other settings. The Freq knob chooses the base frequency of the oscillators.

These are then summed up and passed through a Bandpass Filter followed by a Highpass Filter, each with adjustable Frequency and Resonance.

In addition, there is a drawable Amp Envelope. You can drag the points up or down. Click anywhere to add a point. Shift Click on any point to remove it. I recommend always having the last point at zero (Bottom Right), otherwise it will continue to sound.

The Duration is selectable by Key. C plays 128n, D plays 64n ... B plays 2n.

Press the Hat button to hear what it sounds like.


Update: I made both of the filters selectable between 12db or 24db slopes.


Live Version Used: 11.2.7
Max Version Used: 8.5.2
Date Added: Jan 23 2023 15:58:29
Date Last Updated: Jan 28 2023 02:13:25
Downloads: 417
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: 808HH.amxd

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