Device Details
Name | Version: | Track Lister 1.0 |
Author: | SonicAlchemyst |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | Track Lister is a handy little utility that generates a list of tracks in your Ableton project. ~ How to use Track Lister ~ * Put Track Lister on a MIDI track. * Click the red button * Click the green button There's your list of tracks. Copy and paste to wherever you need them. |
Live Version Used: | 9.7.7 |
Max Version Used: | 7.3.6 |
Date Added: | Jun 26 2022 05:47:42 |
Date Last Updated: | Jun 26 2022 05:48:28 |
Downloads: | 238 |
ⓘ License: | None |
Average Rating
(1) Log in to rate this device |
5 |
Device File: | Track Lister v1.0.amxd |
In what cases have you used it?
Posted on July 03 2022 by teehaa |
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When do I use the Track Lister? Good question. :)
I work on a lot of projects, that have a lot of tracks.
I'll export the list of tracks before I start to mix to a database or spreadsheet. I then use the list to make notes on each track:
~ where I am in the mixing process on each track.
~ what processing I've done on the track / needs to be done. Audio that needs cleaning etc.
~ Ideas that my come up for tracks in a song as I'm listen in with the client. It's not always possible to make changes in that moment.
Keeps all the projects moving along smoothly, enabling me to know exactly where I am, and what still needs to be done.
I work on a lot of projects, that have a lot of tracks.
I'll export the list of tracks before I start to mix to a database or spreadsheet. I then use the list to make notes on each track:
~ where I am in the mixing process on each track.
~ what processing I've done on the track / needs to be done. Audio that needs cleaning etc.
~ Ideas that my come up for tracks in a song as I'm listen in with the client. It's not always possible to make changes in that moment.
Keeps all the projects moving along smoothly, enabling me to know exactly where I am, and what still needs to be done.
Posted on July 05 2022 by SonicAlchemyst |
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