Device Details


Name | Version: ShutTheFuckUp 1.0
Author: squeeb
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Monitor Live's transport for when it is stopped and stop hanging notes caused by currently sustained notes.

Whenever playback is stopped, the device will emit a CC64=0 (Sustain Pedal Off) and a CC123=0 (All Notes Off) control message to the current track.

Why the fuck doesn't this exist natively?


Live Version Used: 10.1.18
Max Version Used: 8.1.5
Date Added: Jan 10 2021 23:42:02
Date Last Updated: Jan 10 2021 23:43:01
Downloads: 1658
License: None
Average Rating (6)

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Device File: ShutTheFuckUp.amxd


Hi Squeeb,

This is awesome to have - thank you very much! Would you consider adding a fucking pitch bend 0 and modulation 0 on stop value to this as well? That would make it fucking perfect!
Thanks so much for this, it's become a vital part of my daily workflow!

Unfortunately it's not working for me anymore on Mac OS Monterey and M1. Just thought I'd let you know and hope for an update one day!

Thanks bro
This is by far the most useful MFL device I've ever used. I also added a function to reset the pitch bend using this as well! All it took was one more Message module and some extra connections to the already-existing structure! Check it out here:
Amazing, this is helping me work around a super annoying hung note bug with Massive X. Thanks!
Working perfectly on my Apple Silicon M1 running Live 11.1.6 natively, by the way.
Thank you so much!
You're my lord.
Can't seem to get this to work on Ableton 11 PC

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