Device Details


Name | Version: pluck 1.1
Author: TilmanEhrhorn
Device Type: Instrument
Description: *pluck is a polyphonic physical modelling synthesizer built in Max for Live, inspired by a Cycling ´74 - gen~ -example patch. It is based on a Karplus-Strong algorithm and contains pitch, damping, comb filtering and waveshaping effects.

The sound source consists of eight modelled strings whose excitators originate from white noise or randomly generated clicks. Envelopes, multisliders and LFOs can be used to modulate various parameters for each string individually or in pairs.

Demo Video:

Further documentation can be found in the Max for Live device if Ableton Live´s Help View is turned on.


Live Version Used: 10.1.18
Max Version Used: 8.1.3
Date Added: Sep 19 2020 16:04:59
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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