Device Details
Name | Version: | CbKickMachine 0.2 |
Author: | CharlyBeck |
Device Type: | Instrument |
Description: | Here's a sampler and channel strip combination to create techno kicks. It's good if you have a bunch of vst plugins if you wanna use this device. Ableton stock plugins won't work. Some innovations: - Triple sampler for base kick, transient phase (click) and sustain phase (body) of the kick. - Transient detector to remove silence at the beginning of samples - Insert vst plugins in samplers before or after the volume envelope - The Charly-Kick-Channel-Strip to hold custom vst plugins ^^ PS: Sorry for the 50 people who downloaded v0.1. The device file was missing and i got m4l problems so i couldn't just reupload in time. This is why i deleted the device. Now some bugs are fixed and new features are added. Have fun! |
Live Version Used: | 10.1.9 |
Max Version Used: | 8.1.3 |
Date Added: | Apr 27 2020 20:15:41 |
Date Last Updated: | Apr 27 2020 20:16:15 |
Downloads: | 671 |
ⓘ License: | AttributionNonCommercialNoDerivatives |
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