Device Details


Name | Version: MaxEnvelopes 1.3.5
Author: brodiem
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Updated to 1.3.4, Live 11 Max 8.2.

Create complex modulation envelopes and trigger
your vsts with sidechain inputs!! 🤯🤯.

MaxEnvelopes is an evolution of the Lfo device adding custom envelope shapes in an expandable window for more surgical shapes, copy & paste shapes easily.Triplets & Dotted synced to the playback,a VERY large envelope window and now midi trigger.

Feature Update:
Smooth transitions between rate automation v1.2.2
More rate divisions v1.2.2
Larger, cleaner scale window v1.2.2
Added clear & Init Preset v1.2.4
Adjustable display v1.3.0
Scale & offset for each map v1.3.0
Midi Trigger 1.3.4

Bug fixes:
Rate time error v1.2.2
Problem restoring some values v1.2.4
Rebuild for implementing presets v1.2.6
Solved some problems related to gl3 update v1.2.7
Set init routing to current track 1.3.5
Refresh loop size intantly 1.3.5

Thinking of adding shape presets,shape modulation.

Suggest some improvements and report any issues or request support

also dl ms dynamics for free.


Live Version Used: 11.0.12
Max Version Used: 8.2
Date Added: Apr 14 2020 23:21:19
Date Last Updated: Mar 01 2022 01:52:44
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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Hey Brodiem! I love the UI and general ease of use of your plugin. I found another LFO device that has some extra capabilities, but the UI imo is not nearly as good. take a look at this video and lmk if you might be able to implement some of these features!

Also, this is just a personal preference, but if there is any way to make the popout window an option instead of necessary, that helps with workflow a ton imo, keeping the graph within the lower portion of Ableton always feels right lol.

Either way, you did an amazing job! looking forward to your next devices!
i do like the morph..I could build a morph similar to this and add an lfo to that but i really want to import and export lfos which conflicts.i can intoduce a slightly different morph iv been thinking about,i just need to build it.Thanks for the input i like all these concepts.
are there any plans to add a loopable sustain also release marker, the ability to cut and paste automation lines from ableton for use as envelopes or even import waveforms, also maybe cv out es-5 esxcv ect ?
this would be amazing if it was like the volume mod for renoise, and could also send cv, a kind of looping envelope that loops at the sustain and release in accordance to midi, can paste in automation lines from ableton. or waveforms . it would be a universal solution to synthesis, gates and control of many aspects of ableton and externally
this would be amazing if it was like the volume mod for renoise, and could also send cv, a kind of looping envelope that loops at the sustain and release in accordance to midi, can paste in automation lines from ableton. and import translate waveforms however this can be done via automation recorder and sample driven lfo . it would be a universal solution to synthesis, gates and control of many aspects of ableton and externally
Hey Brodiem - what do the 2 dials to the right of the max number do??

@pottz depth and offset, the lfo is bipolar so the easiest way to get -0 value was to reduce the base value to go from -1 to 1 instead of 0 to 1 but the default is 0 to 1.depth allows the value to scale 0 to 10 and offset allows -10 to 0 all live values are 0 to 1 but you can find some plug dials that are non-linear they might scale with higher exponent value like valhalla, they scale crazy, similar to Hz i havnet tested this in those cases but i wanted to allow higher values.You can test this if you want.
Nice device! Purchased.

But now I´m aving big issues with the zoom behaviour... it symply doesn´t work for me on Live 11.0.6. The window freezes on screen and didn´t resize anything.

I am also missing the "midi version for re-trig" according to the description on the Gumroad page.

Feedback please... want to use it!

Many thanks in advance
Device is broken. Please fix it!
No answer, no support, nothing. Waste of time and money. Dear @brodiem you should remove this from Gumroad and consider refunding the money.
Updated to 1.3.4... as mentioned berfore, purchased some time ago, where is the update? And the release notes? Are all the bugs pulled out?
Hi @Mhz thanks for the comments I cant test on 11 atm looking into this asap, i imagine some functions have bugged since 10.Ill have an update soon.Usually its just the device wasnt frozen before being uploaded.
Hi, i would like to buy from you but i have no CC. Can you help me out? Could you maybe add PayPal as an option?
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