Device Details


Name | Version: Mini-Grain 1.2
Author: opticon93
Device Type: Instrument
Description: Hi Folks,

This is a slimmed down version of my Grainery midi instrument, which is based off of Brendan McCloskey's incredible Granary Max Project found here

It offers time-stretching independent of pitch, as well as pretty smooth click-free scrubbing, pitch randomness, Inter-Onset-Interval and other grain controls.

You get an On/Off button and associated Fadein/Fadeouts for a simple envelope (you need to have Live playing to hear it). The times next to the On button determine the Fadin and Fadeout when you turn it on and off.

Drop a sample onto the grey area and twiddle.


Update: I had to change the Start number box from milliseconds to percent. It works better now.

Update: I put the Restart button back in. When enabled, this starts the sample from the beginning whenever you turn it back on. Otherwise, it just picks up at wherever it happens to be.


Live Version Used: 10.0.2
Max Version Used: 8
Date Added: Sep 02 2018 01:17:06
Date Last Updated: Sep 14 2018 04:21:27
Downloads: 1110
License: None
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Device File: Mini-Grain.amxd


I'm loving the sounds I can get out of this. thanks!
Thanks, I'm glad you like it.

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