Device Details
Name | Version: | FPB Random Interval Ear Training 1.1 |
Author: | fingerspushbuttons |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | Random Interval Ear Training is a Max for Live MIDI device designed to test and improve aural intonation. Place this device behind any MIDI instrument and play or click in a reference note. The device will randomly generate another note up to an octave / 12 semitones away and you have to play back that same note to score a point. Repeat until ready to stop, following the instructions in the top left corner of the device. Includes a timer and points tally for your enjoyment / reference. v1.01 mouse click notes are now always velocity 100 v1.02 added average accuracy and minor display changes. v1.1 Added a pop up for more advanced test settings. You can now select specific intervals to test or set intervals by scale, set a test routine and control the test speed. Alternatively use it just as you did. bug: sometimes having to press reset to start the device after loading |
Live Version Used: | 10.0.1 |
Max Version Used: | 8.0 |
Date Added: | Jul 23 2018 14:42:20 |
Date Last Updated: | Jul 30 2018 18:44:25 |
Downloads: | 450 |
ⓘ License: | AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike |
Average Rating
(1) Log in to rate this device |
5 |
Device File: | FPB_Random_Interval_Ear_Training 1.1.amxd |
Hey ekaku , thanks for the feedback. Very nice to know it has made your standard template!
I have been making a few updates including allowing for various customisations of the test including setting 'in scale' intervals only and setting test speed...speed of the interval to play that is as you have requested.
However at this time for my purposes I feel it is important to play the interval as well as hear it so I am leaving in the played reference note. Its also a very simple way for the user to control the test pitch centre and pace.
the new version will be up very soon, let me know what you think.
I have been making a few updates including allowing for various customisations of the test including setting 'in scale' intervals only and setting test speed...speed of the interval to play that is as you have requested.
However at this time for my purposes I feel it is important to play the interval as well as hear it so I am leaving in the played reference note. Its also a very simple way for the user to control the test pitch centre and pace.
the new version will be up very soon, let me know what you think.
Posted on July 30 2018 by fingerspushbuttons |
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Hey fingerspushbuttons, thanks for the update, well done! I like the scales feature, opens up a new world of possibilities. I'd love to give you some more detailed feedback, can I reach you via mail?
Posted on August 02 2018 by ekaku |
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Thanks ekaku, there is a contact form here
Posted on August 03 2018 by fingerspushbuttons |
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- locking the reference note, so we don't have to replay it all the time
- setting the speed at which the new notes are triggered once a new reference note is assigned/ or the last note was guessed correctly
That would be awesome!