Device Details
Name | Version: | College Dropout 2.2 |
Author: | CaligulaCuddles |
Device Type: | Audio Effect |
Description: | College Dropout 2.2 - an update of my previous tape/vinyl warping effect. What is it: The College Dropout 2 is the audio slacker simulator. With this, you can replicate the heartwarmingly crappy random volume dropouts and pitch warping effects from your favorite pieces of janky analog trash. Yeah, there’s a bunch of really nice tape effects out there, but I wanted something with deeper customizable controls for the volume drop, and a pitch-dropping/wow & flutter effect that was more organic sounding and didn’t have the latency issues some other devices had when warping. Overview: There are three primary modes for the effect -Tape (volume drop) -Vinyl (pitch drop) -Failure (volume and pitch drop) You can also set the left and right channels to operate individually or in unison with the Stereo/Unitary button. The audio drops are completely random, based of of a metro object running random numbers against the probability dial. Controls: Probability - Chance of a dropout triggering. Depth - How far the dropout will go (100% drops the audio out completely). Downtime- How long it takes for the dropout to reach its minimum. Uptime - How long for the dropout to return to its default. Gap - How long the dropout stays at its minimum. Curve - You can dial in either a linear dropout rate or add a curve factor to the dropouts. Smooth - Smooths out quick transitions to prevent fast rate jumps. (Useful for high probability settings.) Drop - How deep the pitch dropping effect goes. Hiss - Tape hiss effect. General: You may notice that there aren’t precise millisecond times on a lot of the controls. The numbers are just to give a relative sense for how long the durations of the dropouts last. Whenever a drop is triggered, there are minor variations to the specific values so that the effect doesn’t sound too static or mechanically repetitive. The particularly savvy may note that you can tweak the features to minor degrees, but for the most part, I think the default ranges and rates should be ideal for most users. For added lo-fi fun, check out my pseudo-companion patch, “High School Crush,” and sink back into the full-on audio trash nostalgia head trip. Hit me up if you have any ideas to improve the patch or if you have some other general questions. Keep it fresh and keep it free. ♡ ♡ ♡ Special shoutout to ELPHNT/Tom for graciously showing this patch in his excellent Max for Live miniseries on his YouTube channel: Check it out. There are a handful of other videos there as well, all featuring even cooler patches by more impressive M4L devs. ♡ ♡ ♡ Вот видео для моих русских друзей (Спасибо Константин): ♡ ♡ ♡ |
Live Version Used: | 10.0.5 |
Max Version Used: | 8.0.2 |
Date Added: | Jun 23 2018 01:42:28 |
Date Last Updated: | Dec 26 2019 23:13:09 |
Downloads: | 29415 |
ⓘ License: | None |
Average Rating
(19) Log in to rate this device |
5 |
Device File: | College Dropout 2.2.amxd |
I really love this plug in. The randomization feels very natural. Since grabbing it a few weeks ago i've been putting on everything. Thanks a ton for this gem.
Posted on January 21 2019 by msgt |
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Hello, I am new to max for live and recently got this effect. It is brilliant however today it stopped working. It silences any signal passing through it. when I open the max console window it says 'folderwatcher_beginproc: error 5 calling CreateFile'. Thanks for any help you can give!
Posted on March 08 2020 by bronze777 |
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Hey bronze777 - that's really weird. I can't seem to replicate the issue. Is there any chance you could send some screenshots of the issue to my email address (it's listed in my profile).
Posted on March 12 2020 by CaligulaCuddles |
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Une reussite ! Bravo CaligulaCuddles :)
Posted on March 19 2020 by Zach145 |
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very helpful txs bro!
Posted on March 30 2020 by joebar9 |
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Great FX.
Having a small issue here - The dropdown setting for the mode (Tape/Vinyl) isn't being recalled when the setting is it's copy & pasted or recalled from an adg.
Great FX.
Having a small issue here - The dropdown setting for the mode (Tape/Vinyl) isn't being recalled when the setting is it's copy & pasted or recalled from an adg.
Posted on April 03 2020 by mrsmith |
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Can't wait to try these!
Posted on June 22 2020 by bobrogue |
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This is one of my favourite. Amazing UI and totally dig the name of the effect (along w High School Crush) :) Love to see more unique fx from you!
Posted on February 07 2021 by atanaka |
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uh... frush! Thank you brudah
Posted on January 08 2022 by FreddyFingaz |
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I'm new to Ableton. How do you install this plugin??
Posted on June 02 2022 by Jamesbtex |
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Lo-fi experimental music effect. Good stuff thanks!
Posted on October 06 2023 by Syn |
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