Device Details
Name | Version: | Markov Controllers 1.1 |
Author: | opticon93 |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | Hi, This thing is based off of the Autechre statement about having "Conditionals" (Events) and after some of those conditions have occurred a number of times, then "Something" happens. In this version, a "Something" that happens is 1 of the 7 mappable controllers changes from its current position to a random position between min and min + Range, over a specified Ramp time (ms). There is an underlying metronome representing the speed of the Generic Events, or Ticks (32n is good). These Time Ticks trigger the Markov Matrix which generates any of the 7 Markov Events. The Randomize button randomizes the Markov Matrix, and the NoRepeats button zeroes out the diagonal of this Matrix, so that an event cannot trigger itself. "After" a Markov Event has accumulated a specified number of times, it triggers its "Something" i.e. its own mapped parameter change. Enjoy |
Live Version Used: | 9.7.1 |
Max Version Used: | 7.0.6 |
Date Added: | Aug 14 2017 20:35:41 |
Date Last Updated: | Aug 19 2017 23:10:28 |
Downloads: | 1416 |
ⓘ License: | AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike |
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Device File: | Markov Controller.amxd |
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