Device Details
Name | Version: | Decisions Decisions 0.4 |
Author: | mubali |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | This device takes a midi note input and chooses between two different midi notes to output. Think of it like whenever the device receives a midi note, it will flip a coin and decide which one of the midi notes will trigger. There are 4 different algorithm types for you to choose from, 3 of which have no user controls. The Moses algorithm uses a knob that controls the % of whether a or b will trigger. Knob on the far left = 100% Note A Knob on the far right = 100% Note B There are several ways to go about using this device, however I built it to trigger parameter randomization devices. In one particular instance I am using one of these to trigger a shuffle on a Euklidean sequencer and want one gate to shuffle the pattern to the right and the other to shuffle the pattern to the left. 0.4 update notes -bugfix Fixed potential issue with Urn Algorithm. Once Urn had exhausted all possibilities, it needed to be cleared. I forgot to put that in. Fixed now. |
Live Version Used: | 9.7.3 |
Max Version Used: | 7.3.4 |
Date Added: | Aug 03 2017 04:59:32 |
Date Last Updated: | Aug 08 2017 00:01:48 |
Downloads: | 538 |
ⓘ License: | AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike |
Average Rating
(1) Log in to rate this device |
5 |
Device File: | DecisionsDecisionsv0.4.amxd |
Sorry to ask but the Euklidean sequencer that you are talking about its Grids? Can't see how to connect both devices. Thank you
Posted on September 09 2018 by Melanocetus |
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The Euklidean Sequencer is a device under that same name. (It's spelled differently than the technique it describes)
However you could indeed use Grids and I have from time to time done so.
Grids puts out a specific midi note for each of the individual drums, you could in turn create a midi effect rack that listens specifically for the note that pertains to the drum you want to effect, place this in that chain and then set the output notes to whatever drum hits you wish them to be. I would recommend using a drum rack for this purpose.
However you could indeed use Grids and I have from time to time done so.
Grids puts out a specific midi note for each of the individual drums, you could in turn create a midi effect rack that listens specifically for the note that pertains to the drum you want to effect, place this in that chain and then set the output notes to whatever drum hits you wish them to be. I would recommend using a drum rack for this purpose.
Posted on March 19 2019 by mubali |
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