Device Details


Name | Version: BrainHz 1.0
Author: opticon93
Device Type: Instrument
Description: Hi, This is a binaural, brain wave synthesizer.

It only uses sine waves. I've done other versions with all the other basic waveforms, but they don't sound as good as pure sine.

The Brain knob sets the frequency (0...42 Hz,) of the binaural brain wave i.e. the difference in frequency between the left and right ear (each ear hears a pure sine tone). The pure frequency of the left ear is controlled by the incoming midi pitch. The pure frequency of the right ear is the left ear frequency plus the Brain Hz offset. Your brain then synthesizes the Binaural Beat at the Brain Hz frequency. The binaural, brain wave effect is supposedly only felt through headphones.

For some reason, I like to quantize my Release values to musical durations (8n, 4n, 2n ...) but you can also adjust it manually to the ms.



Live Version Used: 9.7.1
Max Version Used: 7.0.6
Date Added: Jun 16 2017 23:17:12
Date Last Updated: Jun 17 2017 04:23:07
Downloads: 1057
License: None
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Device File: BrainHz.amxd


Fun device. Thx for sharing. I can see some fun uses to hide some binaural action in some upcoming productions.
Thank you, I'm glad you like it.

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